15. Women are annoying

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Morning came up in a most pleasing way but not for me as I can feel my head throbbing in pain because of too much alcohol I consumed last night, cats snuggling under our feet, birds chirping and sun rays from the open balcony stroking my face, illuminating the half of the master's bedroom and Jennie's beautiful and captivating face greets me as soon as I opened my eyes and she was sleeping peacefully between my limbs. 

I stroke her face lightly and she hums as pulled me tighter, snuggles further in and buries her face under my chin which causes me to chuckle softly and pulls her waist closer. "Good morning, Ruby Jane." 

"What's that thing poking me on my lower body?" Jennie asked in her hoarse and husky bedroom voice. Damn, so sexy!

"It's a surprise tool that will help us later." I said and I flinched when she pinched my back with a light slap. "C'mon, we need to get out of bed, I'm thirsty."

"It's Saturday, Lisa. You go ahead and leave me alone here." She said as she flipped her body and turned her back against me. "Good morning too." She adds before covering her whole body with the blanket up till her head. I laughed softly and kissed her head against the thick fabric before I climbed out of the bed and ruffled the furs of my cats before I ran to the bathroom and did my business.

As I stepped out the toilet, I saw Jennie really went back to sleep. I walked to the closet and grabbed track pants and sleeveless shirt before I made my way out of the room, closing the door behind me carefully and walking down to the living room. 

After having a little TGIF last night, Jennie dragged my wasted ass up to our room and I left the squad who were having a question and answer with the four newly adopted young ladies. 

Some of them are still on the carpeted floor, sleeping, maybe their partners decided to take a beauty rest and leave the tops getting wasted.

"How's your hangover?" I asked Jisoo who's the only one awake aside from Dalgom who immediately barks at me as soon as he sees me. She's drinking a glass of transparent liquid that I assume water to sober her up and I plopped down my body next to her.

"Amateur, I've already started drinking again." She said and gulped the content on her glass and she grabbed the bottle beside her then poured another tequila on it.

"Damn Chu! It's only six AM!"

"I fear nothing!" She exclaimed as she drank from her glass and released a loud breath through her mouth before putting Dalgom on her side but still growling at me, as if he couldn't move on after I accidentally stepped on his tail back to our old apartment.

"Do you have a problem?" I asked in concern as I took the bottle from her grip when she's about to pour her glass for another shot.

"Did you know that I've lost 20 pounds in like one month for not drinking beers?"

"Has that been tough to cut out beer?" I asked.

"Not really, because I replaced it with vodka." She said then steal the bottle from my grip to chug it straight on it.

"Chu, tell me, what's wrong?" I asked as I eyed her. Jisoo isn't that kind of person who will share her problems and she just kept it to herself despite being the dorkiest person aside from me.

"Chaeng and I had a fight last night." She sighed and poured alcohol in the shot glass in front of her and gave it to me.

"What's the cause?" I asked before I drank the tequila in one gulp and I grimaced after tasting the bitter taste of it flowing down my throat with a burning sensation.

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