Chapter 20

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"Drip, drip, drip.
The insignificance of a rock
felt upon droplets of water
Tick, tick, tick.
As time flows by,
even an unyielding rock,
submits to the change of persistence." -@emotionseverday

It wasn't until I was heading to school the next day that I realized how antisocial I have been throughout my high school years.

With Kimmy gone, I literally had no one else to spend my day with.

I mean I wasn't a complete loner that didn't interact with anyone at school but the only friend that I would actively look for throughout the day and the only friend that I would think of running to when I have news to tell was Kimmy, and Kimmy only.

It made me realize how sad my high school life has been. I've been so comfortable with just having Kimmy by my side that I didn't feel the need to branch out and make other friends.

Now I'm feeling the consequences of only having one friend.

When you only have one friend that you talk to, once you fall out, you're basically left alone to fend for yourself.

Being a lone ranger in high school wasn't something you want to try out. With so many predators around, a.k.a the jocks, bullies, whatever you want to call them, if you're not part of a pack, you're vulnerable and an easier target, a more likely target.

Knowing all this and realizing that I just "lost my pack", I'm less than keen to step foot in school.

I stopped short before the school gates and looked at the building staring right back at me and inhaled slowly and deeply before exhaling all the nerves and worries that are keeping me from taking another step into the school.

"It's alright, Em. You can do this. Just put on the resting bitch face and no one will dare touch you or mess with you. You'll be okay. You're a bad bitch today. Be a bad bitch." I pep talked myself, nodding with every word and forcing myself to believe all of it.

I clenched my hands into fists, squared my shoulders and raised my head, steeling myself mentally to face anything that might happen today.

I didn't know what I was expecting.

Maybe Lily and Kimmy were right and I was just a very dramatic person. I mean it wasn't like I was expecting someone to dump a bag of condoms on me or spray paint the words "SLUT" on my locker. Or maybe I was. I think I've been watching way too much movies.

Nothing of the sort happened, if any of you were wondering that is.

I walked to my locker and it was clean, untouched. Still, my distrusting self wasn't willing to let my guard down just yet.

I warily touched my locker's lock, as if it might explode any second then. Only after I made sure that nothing was going to explode or no one was going to jump me from somewhere behind me, did I put my locker combinations in and opened it.

Again, I didn't know why I was expecting something horrible to have had happened to my locker but I felt myself letting go of the breath I was unconsciously holding onto when I saw that the inside of my locker was clean too.

There was no blood red paint covering my books or the walls of my locker.

Nobody had done anything to it.

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