Fighting Against The Dacoits : Chapter 12

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"It looks like we are going to capture royals tonight." The leader of the dacoits laughed like a lunatic.

"Leader, Baldev, it looks like they are traveling with women." Another dacoit with a huge figure laughed.

Damn this situation! I cannot even use my strength to fight them now. Lavanya bit her lower lip, cursing the situation she was facing. She couldn't use her strength, otherwise, her secret of being a warrior would be exposed. We don't have too many men with us to fight against them. I cannot let them know that I am Sanvika Devi. Lavanya was pulled out of daze by Virendra's mighty roar.

"Don't you dare to lay your eyes on her, otherwise I will cut off your head." Virendra roared like a hungry lion, making Lavanya flinch at the tone. "Mahesh, protect the ladies." He commanded immediately stood before the litter in order to protect Lavanya and Jyotimani. By that time, the palanquin bearers already fled from there to protect their lives.

"Attack!" The dacoit leader Baldev screamed. "I want both the girls alive."

The next moment the entire forest was filled with the sounds of clashing swords and voices of the dacoits. The sound of the swords cutting through the air before colliding with the heavy swords of dacoits sent shivers down the spine of Jyotimani.

"Princess, don't come out of the litter," Jyoti said while standing beside the litter.

"But Jyoti, you are..."

"Princess please..." Jyoti cut Lavanya's words. "They won't harm me. Please don't come out."

"Okay," Lavanya said in a dejected tone as she could clearly hear the metallic clashing sounds of the swords. Why isn't Devi Sena coming for rescue yet!? Lavanya started to lose her patience. The more she heard the sounds of clashing swords, the more her hands wanted to lift a sword and fight against the dacoits. She suddenly put her fingers in front of her lips while they formed an 'O' shape. She let out a different sound from her lips while her fingers moved in a pattern, forming a unique sound.

"Your highness, what are you doing?" Jyoti asked with astonishment without pushing the curtains of the litter aside.

Lavanya didn't reply but continued playing the music for some time. "I am doing what I should do now." She replied in a firm voice. Devi Sena has to appear now. I have already sent them the signal. Lavanya huffed, feeling impatient as well as helpless in the situation. She could hear the voice of Mahesh and Virendra growling while fighting with the dacoits. Why aren't they appearing yet!? Does Devi Sena already become idle in my absence!? Lavanya's blood boiled at the thought that Devi Sena wasn't reaching there at the time. When Lavanya used to lead Devi Sena, they used to reach at the right time whenever people needed help. But that delay was making Lavanya lose the last string of her patience.

"Stop! Otherwise, we will kill her!" A loud voice roared, making everyone stop for a moment while Lavanya's eyes widened as she realized what had just happened.

"Let her go!" Lavanya yelled as she came out of her palanquin, only to see Jyotimani was being held at knifepoint.

"Why did you come out?" Virendra growled with his sword stopping a blow when he saw Lavanya walking towards the dacoit who was holding Jyotimani.

Lavanya didn't pay her attention to Virendra's words. She walked towards the dacoit and stopped in front of him. "Please let her go." She said in a pleading tone.

"No, princess," Jyotimani uttered with difficulty as the knife was touching her neck while the dacoit held her upper arm tightly. "D-Don't do that. Y-you don't h-have to save me."

Lavanya : The Chosen Queen [On-Hold]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin