!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Skais POV

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9 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"ANDREW!!!!!!!!!" I screamed "what is it!' he yelled running into the room "my water broke" i said  "FUCK! LETS GET YOU TO THE HOSPITAL!" he yelled picking me up. -AT THE HOSPITAL-

"KILL ME PLEASE!" I yelled "Come on Skai hold my hand it'll be better" Andy replied I grabbed his hand "CMON WOMAN PUSH!" the doctor yelled "IM TRYING" I yelled "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" we heard a baby cry "its a boy" the nurse said handing him to Andy "YES!" Andy yelled " AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I yelled "what is it" Andy asked " uhm sir are you aware your wife is having twins" the nurse asked Andy "no....." Andy replied "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" another baby cried out "its a girl!" the nurse stated "so what are their names" the doctor asked "uhm for a boy Blade Whiskey Dennis Biersack" I said Andy smiled "he gets my middle name" "yep" I said with a smile " and what about the girl" the nurse asked " Scarlett Shyanne Sixx Biersack" I replied "she has Sixx as one of her middle names" Andy said with a smile "all for you" I replied

-day later-

All the guys are coming to the hospital to visit and see the babies. "Hey Skai and Andy" Jake said walking in the room "hey Jake" I replied " so wheres the kids" he asked " right here" Andy replied holding the babies "whats their names" Ashley asked walking in "Scarlett Shyanne Sixx Biersack and Blade Whiskey Dennis Biersack" Andy replied "can I hold one?" Jake asked Andy handed him Blade "shes a daddys girl" Ashley said looking at Scarlett "how do you know?" Andy asked "I can sence it" Ashley replied "sorry we're late Jinxx wouldnt speed through traffic" CC said as him and Jinxx walked in "Can I hold her" Jinxx asked Andy handed him Scarlett "they both have Andys eyes" Ashley pointed out.

The end until book 2 :)

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