vi. Fuck Ups And Awkward Consequences

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  ━━ chapter eight

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━━ chapter eight.
fuck ups and awkward consequences

       LORI ROSE and Klay Scott were patrolling the halls of Hogwarts late at night

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LORI ROSE and Klay Scott were patrolling the halls of Hogwarts late at night. Being a prefect, patrolling a few nights a week was one of the biggest responsibilities. So far, they hadn't caught any students out of bed. The both of them walked quietly, striking up a few conversations but decided to stay in a comfortable silence.

Lori's red brimmed eyes burned from the lack of sleep and watered every now any then, making her vigorously blink. It wasn't wise to mess up her sleep schedule. If people thought she was bitchy now—oh they haven't seen her with no sleep. She becomes snappy, hostile, and has no care of any one else's feelings. She says exactly what's on her mind, which is normally very hurtful and vile thoughts.

In her younger years, she would sneak out of her dormitory with her friends to do something wild, like prank a few Gryffindors, and sometimes end up running from Filch. Of course, Lori being the fast and quick thinking witch she was, he hadn't caught a single time. She'd always seem to outrun the odd squib. The next morning, he always eyed her suspiciously, finding her dark curls somewhat familiar as to the ones he saw disappear behind corners when switching halls.

He often wondered if it was her and her friends causing an uprising in the corridor, but never took action on his inklings. It wasn't wise to mess with the Slytherins, even for a caretaker, so he never did.

The students from the house of red and gold, never found out it was the Slytherins who left dungbombs underneath each of their beds, assuming Lori and her friends were to stuck up to do a petty (but affective) prank. Besides, But, even snakes liked having their fun. Seeing all the Gryffindors show up the next day, smelling like absolute dragon dung was worth it. They got taunted by the other houses, and it was one of the best laughs Lori ever had. Sirius Black has showed up, his usually silky smooth locks in a knotty and frizzy mess. The smell emitting off him and the marauders was horrific. They never heard the end of that.

Of course during these pranks, not all of the friends went all at once, normally it was three at a time. Usually, it was Lori, Corban, and Julian. Klay, sometimes went, but only for the more complex pranks. He was the brains of the operation after all. Before starting these pranks, there was one major thing standing in their way. The password to the Gryffindor common room. Getting the password wasn't very hard. Lori walked up to a boy from the house in the year under her, promising him a kiss on the cheek for it, and he eagerly complied.

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