Part 2: The unexpected gift...

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Once the party was over, I stayed home with my parents for a while, and I did not know that they would have got me a gift. My mom gave me an envelope, so I expected to see money into it, bu when I oppened it, I discovered two tickets for Michael Jackson's Bad Tour in New York on the 20th of August, which my parents bought six months ago. They knew I will succeed, they trusted in me. I could not believe it. Seeing Michael Jackson for real is one of my dreams since I am able to speak. Michael is like a part of my family since I am five. He has always been there during the moment I needed most comfort. Five years ago, I lost my brother, Julian. He was twenty-six. He died from a heart disease. Michael's music helped me to get through this horrible step in my life. Meeting him would be like meeting my savior, the one I owe my life to. He does not know me, but for me it's like I've known him for a thousand years.  

I could not stop thanking my parents. This gift meant a lot to me. Oh, wait... There are two tickets, right? That's perfect! I know someone who would gladly come with me...
I took my phone and called Anna, a close friend of mine, right away. 

"Hey girl, guess who's going to see Michael Jackson on stage?" I asked to my friend.

"No! Tell me you're not! You lucky bitch," exclaimed Anna, which caused me to laugh slightly.

"Not exactly," I said, smirking.

"Who is it, then?" She asked me, her enthusiasm dying down.

"Mmmh..." I began, wanting to keep her waiting, but my excitement got the best of me. "Both of us!" I squealed. "My parents got me two tickets for his concert in NYC!"

"You gotta be kidding me," she muttered in disbelief. "And you want me, t-to come with you?" She asked in shock, and I hummed in response. "Oh boy... You can't imagine how much I love you."

"Yeah," I laughed. "I'll pick you up tomorrow around 6PM. We got to sleep in front of the doors if we want to be next to the stage," I explained. I really wanted to be as close as Michael as I could.

"Of course, this ain't an option!" She laughed. " I'll see you tomorrow, then. I love you so much, girl."

I laughed again, " See you, babe. Love you too," I finally said before hanging up.

Here we come, Michael Jackson!

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