I survived

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I fall on the ground with a heavy thud. The pains rise in my body and I am unable to move. I slowly open my eyes to spot my father and Harry crying on me. I want to tell them that I am alive, but the pains stop me from causing any movement at all. I try really hard to move my hand towards my father, towards Harry, I want to tell them that I'm alive, that I survived. I manage to use all my force and say, "I survived." and I pass out.

The next thing I know, I am lying in the hospital wing at Hogwarts. I see Madam Pomfrey at the aid of another student. I feel weak like I am just skin left to decay. I say in a very low voice, almost a whisper, "Madam Pomfrey, what happened to me? Where is my father?" I keep looking around and see Seamus Finnigan on one of the other cots where Madam Pomfrey was standing, tying a bandage around his arm. He looks at me asks, "You alright there, Cedric? Heard that you had been in a tragic accident."

I smile a little to comfort him, just so that he knows I'm alive. I ask, "Blew something up again did you, Seamus?" He laughs a little and nods, "Yeah, Well I'll leave you now. Get well soon." and he leaves the room. Madam Pomfrey comes near me and puts a hand on my head. She looks awful as if she didn't sleep in days. She gives me a comforting smile and says," Mr Diggory, How are you feeling? You know it's impossible to survive the killing curse. Yet here you are. Your father and friends left you this." she says that while pointing a table beside my cot.

It's full of all kinds of candy and sweets. I can see cards saying me to get well soon, flowers, Mrs Weasley's pie, which is the best pie you'll ever have in my opinion, of course except for our Hufflepuff pie!

She points at a poorly made pie and says, "This one was given by Miss Chang. She even insisted on staying here and looking after you but I sent her off because she has to write her OWLS." I feel bad that she came here and saw me in this condition.

I ask, "Madam Pomfrey, how long have I been asleep?" She sighs and looks at me in pity. She says at last," Mr Diggory, you've been asleep for over two weeks now." I made a random guess that two weeks ago was the last time Madam Pomfrey slept.

She says again, "Miss Chang, will come to visit you again tonight. Till that time I suggest you rest." I want to meet my father. I ask, "Is it okay if I want to meet my father?" She sighs again but doesn't say anything. She leaves the room.

After a few minutes, Dumbledore enters the room and shuts all the doors and windows. He looks panicked. He sits at the end of my cot near my feet. He looks at me and says, "Cedric, my boy, you have powers that no one else has got. You can survive the killing curse or any curse as a matter of fact. But you need to remember that your powers were not fully developed, and hence were all used up when you were attacked."

I look at him, confused. I ask, "Professor Dumbledore, what are you trying to suggest?"
He looks at me, tired, just like Madam Pomfrey. He breaks the eye contact and looks at the locked door. He says, "Your powers are something that runs in your family. Twenty generations back, a member of your family, a member of the Diggory family had these powers. We think you're his decedent."

I can't help but be curious. I question again, "Who are we, professor?" He looks at me again, with a kind of sadness in his eyes. He whispers this time, "Professor Mcgonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Snape, Professor Sprout, Professor Trelawney and me."

I try resisting the urge to ask another question. He looks at me, a little more calmly and says, "Ask all your questions, Cedric." I ask, "What are these powers I have?"
"Instant healing ability. So far we have only met two people your relative and-" he stops and looks around to make sure we are alone. He comes closer to my ear and whispers, "Helga Huffelpuff."
The words Helga Huffelpuff are embedded in my mind. Are we related to distantly? I keep reminding myself that this isn't the time for such questions. Dumbledore says one last thing before leaving, "Don't tell anyone about your powers. Not even your own family. It's for their safety. Get well soon."
Later that night, I see Cho come in with a bouquet of flowers. She sits beside my bed and says, "How are you feeling Cedric? You must be exhausted!" I look into her dark black eyes, sleepless from either studying or staying with me for two weeks.

I feel stronger than I did in the morning. I want to tell her about my powers but I remember Dumbledore's warning. I give her a smile. I dint need to force it like the way I did for Seamus or Dumbledore. It automatically comes on whenever I see Cho.

I say, "I have no idea how I feel. It's all mixed up." I can hear her chuckle a little. Then she gets all serious and looks at me and says, "How did you survive the killing curse, Cedric?" I remember the warning loud and clear in my head. I try to avoid eye contact and say, "The person casting it wasn't so good at pointing his wand at me."

I couldn't believe that I just made that up. It sounds ten times better in my head. But now it's out so I have to just let it be that way. She leans in close to my ear and whispers, "I passed my OWLS with flying colours."

I want to congratulate her. I say in a pleasant way, "That's wonderful, Cho! But you look awful. You look like you haven't got any sleep. I think you should sleep now."

She smiles and says, "Only if you say so. I'll be back here tomorrow morning to check on you!"

She leaves the room and closes the door behind her. I'm all alone with my thoughts again. Tired of the pains I roll over to my left and fall asleep.

Thank you for reading till here. New updates will be weekly I hope. Please enjoy!


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