The Order

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Soon enough, I get my Hogwarts letter and dad says, "We will go to Diagon Alley tomorrow, for now I think you can enjoy your mother's cooking." I know how much he loves me, more than usual, after the Triwizard competition. Fred and George have also been kinder and nicer to me after that. they usually come by evenings for tea, or just to mess with me.

When they come around today,  they told me about the order of phoenix and asked me if I was interested to join it? Was I interested? Heck yeah! I said, "I would love to accompany you guys there. I will go and convince mum now,  maybe she will let me go." they walk back to their house and I go to mum and tell her everything Fred and George told me. She says, "You can go, but you must promise to stay safe and not trouble Mrs. Weasley. You know she is one of my good friends." I promise her and go into my room to pack cloths for those days.

Next day, we bump into Cho who is shopping  for her supplies. My dad says, "Well, I will leave you two to have a good time then." He smiles a little and walks away with Cho's parents. She shrugs a little and says, "You seemed to have recovered from your injuries well." I say, "Well yes, I have been taking a lot of rest."

We walk into a shop, we don't see which shop it is I just wanted to spend more time with her. I tell her about the order and she seemed interested but she frowns and says, "I'm not allowed out of the house without my parents now, they are super strict, so I think I will only be able to see you again in hogwarts." we hug and she leaves.


My dad is hesitant to let me go, but he still allows me. He says, "I'll make sure that Arthur will look out for you there, and don't trouble anyone, even though I know you won't." He hugs me and so does my mum. My dad walks me to the burrow, where Mr. Weasley and greets us. I say my last goodbye to my dad and leave with Fred and George. We grew up together, we were each other's first friends, we sat together on the train to hogwarts for the first time as well.

Once we reach the order and we find Sirius Black, Professor Lupin or as he prefers to be called, Remus Lupin, Professor Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, and a few others. Mrs. Weasley says, "Fred, George and Cedric, take the room on the left, Hermonie and Ginny take the room across the boys, Ron will have the one on the right until Harry comes over."

Fred and George take the bunk bed across from the window. I have the one near the window. I start to unpack my stuff when Fred proposes an idea, "Well, Georgie and I are gonna go and turn Ginny and Hermione's hair green, wanna join us?" I shutter, "Uh guys I don't think that it is safe, and anyway I promised my mum I won't trouble anyone here so, sorry." George sits beside me and says, "It alright, you can have fun looking at their reactions."

I agree and walk towards their room. Fred and George enter their room and almost startle them. they cast a spell that turns their hair a really gross shade of green. Ginny and Hermione punch Fred and George. I have a good laugh at all four of them and turn around to go back to our room.  There is a lot of yelling from Ginny, Hermione, Mrs. Weasley and a few others. I take out a parchment and write to my dad.


We are eating lunch when Mr. Weasley says, "Harry got attacked by dementors and took his wand out in front of a muggle. and the ministry is about to expel him. He sound be brought here by tonight mostly." I am shocked that the dementors left the wizarding world and went out into muggle world. Mrs. Weasley puts her hand on my shoulder and says, "Oh don't worry Cedric, Dumbledore will manage everything, you just focus on finishing your food." I do so.

Later I ask to be excused back to my room, to write to Cho, to tell her what has been happening here. I am taking too long to write to her, I never take this long for anyone. Cho isn't really anyone, she is the girl I really like. Fred and George walk back into the room and see me struggling while writing.

They sit at the end of my bed and say, "Writing a letter, Cedric?" I put it behind my back and say, "Uh no." Before I could respond they already snatch the letter from my hand and see that I am writing to Cho.
George says,"All the best mate! We will go wait for Harry. He should be here anytime." I nod and they leave the tiny room allotted to us. A few minutes pass by and I have finally finished my letter and sent it to Cho.
I hear Ron say,"Harry's here! Harry's here!" I place the quill and the ink in its place and leave to meet Harry. He sees all of us and exclaims,"Hello Cedric, didn't expect you here." I chuckle and say,"Even I didn't expect to be here."

Hermione, Ron and Harry go off to talk about something and Mrs. Weasley calls out,"Supper's ready!"
Fred and George use their wands and go scare Mrs. Weasley. I somehow don't feel good. I kindly ask Mrs. Weasley,"Can I take my food to my room? I don't feel so good and maybe I'll try and take some rest."

She agrees and gives me my supper. I take it to my room and finish it halfway. I fall asleep as it was silent and peaceful. I hear Fred and George tip toe into to the room and slowly fall asleep as well.


The next morning when I wake up in the morning,or more like afternoon, I see that Harry is back and everybody is smiling, not really the whole heartwarming kind of smiles, but they look better than yesterday. I walk up to George and ask,"Why didn't you wake me up this morning?"

He says,"You were sleeping so peacefully that we didn't want to disturb you. And Harry didn't get expelled! He can still go to hogwarts."

I exclaim,"That's really great!" It was somewhere near 2 pm when I woke up. Everyone already had their lunch.

I think I woke up so late because I was looking at the stars last night, such beautiful formations, who am I kidding. I was waiting for Cho to respond to my letter. I did get it eventually. We exchanged a few letters last night and then a fell asleep again.

Hello!! And thank you for reading till here! I hope you liked it and sorry for any changes from the canon, I had to bend to fit with setting of the story. Thanks again!!


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