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Two months pass by and I haven't left Hogwarts yet. I could only send a few letters to dad and mum. This morning, a letter smashed in through the window, just like a bludger. Even though I quit Quidditch this year, I still remember the fun I used to have as the seeker. I had to quit because every time I went to practise, the members of the team would fly away from, throwing rocks at me, calling me a freak and disgrace, and not listening to me at all! I went to Sprout and requested to be off the team. She said, "No way Mr Diggory, you are one of the best seekers we have had and the team cannot afford to lose you." After requesting and begging her, she finally agreed.

I am currently walking down the corridor, ignoring the people laughing at me. I almost reach an empty corridor when a guy, pushes me against a wall, hard. He is half a foot taller than me and is a really big person. I feel small. I shutter, "Leave me alone." The guy points this finger in my face and says, "You, Diggory, are a useless freak and a disgrace to your whole family. And now you are a coward for quitting quidditch." I want to say something but no words come out.

The corridor is dark and I cannot see who it is, or which house they are from. He grabs my collar, pulls me front and pushed me into the wall, repeatedly. I yell, "Help!" but he shuts my mouth with a cloth. a few tears escape from my eyes at start but soon I start to cry. I feel a few broken bones from that smashing in the wall. Then he proceeds to punch my face multiple times. He laughs and shoves me into the wall one last time. I drop to the floor in tears. My face and cloths are all covered in blood. I cannot take this anymore.

I spot two figures walk to me. One of them says,"Cedric? Oh dear, you are covered in blood! Let's take you to the infirmary." Fred and George. I am holding onto them as they rush up the stairs to the infirmary. I hear some people say,"Why are you wasting your time on that freak?" "Better let him die" "He is a liar and we all know it." And many other such comments.

Madam Pomfrey looks and me says,"Oh my... put him here Mr. Weasley." They gently help me onto a cot. Madam Pomfrey examines my cuts and says, "Those are quite deep cuts, Mr Diggory, and these bruises and broken bones. What happened? Who did this to you? For all I know you are not a clumsy kid." She says that while looking at Fred and George. She then whispers to me, "They aren't the first duo I've had to bandage every other day." [WE ALL KNOW WHICH TWO PEOPLE I AM TALKING ABOUT]

She says, "Now I have noticed, broken nose, several deep cuts on the face, a few broken ribs, a crack in the spine, and a broken hand. Could take a long time to fix that." She comes closer and says, "Can you feel any pain?" I say, "Yes, yes, I do feel a lot of pain, Ma'am." She stitches the cuts on my face and fixes the broken bones with a few spells. I am about to go back to our dorm when Madam Pomfrey says, "Sit back down, Mr Diggory. You cannot leave until next week." I sit back down as it is pointless for me to argue with her.

Fred jokingly asks, "What did the new broom that was introduced do?" I look at them, raising my eyebrow. George finishes it for him, "It swept the world away..." I stare at them and they give me innocent smiles. Madam Pomfrey starts to giggle a little. George says, "I don't want a spine..." I blurt out, "You know my spine is cracked right?" Madam Pomfrey turns around to listen to the joke. Fred says, "It keeps holding me back." again, innocent smiles. Madam Pomfrey has a good laugh and I smile.

I stay there for a few hours when she finally comes back to be and says, "Alright, those cuts are healed enough." She casts a few small spells on those cuts and removes the stitches. Fred asks, "What do you call the people who are afraid of Santa Claus?" Madam Pomfrey, still smiling, says, "Another joke, Mr Weasley, another joke and I will make sure you can't stay here anymore." She tends to like their jokes. George starts to say, "Claustro-" but he gets interpted by someone saying, "A person with an extreme or irrational fear of confined spaces is called claustrophobic."

The twins look offended and shocked, like someone killed a puppy in front of their eyes. They jump off of the counter they are sitting on and storm towards the voice. The person comes into light and guess who it is? Cho. And followed by her are Xander and Quintessa. A smile just finds its way on my face, but the three of them look devastated. I ask, "What's wrong? Did-" Quintessa says, "You have been expelled from the school."

I almost spit the words out, "I'm what?" Xander comes and wraps his arms around me, saying, "Someone complained to Umbridge that you.. you tried to kill said person, using the killing curse." I snap in my defence, "I was threatened and beat up this sevearly and they want to expel me?" Madam Pomfrey, Fred and George are almost as shocked as I am. Dumbledore walks in, followed by McGonagall and Sprout. McGonagall says, "Everyone out. You too Poppy." Everyone leaves without saying anything.

Dumbledore says, "You might have gotten the news about you being expelled-" Sprout exclaims, "Oh my! Cedric, you have gone pale." I am shaking as well. Dumbledore continues, "You are and aren't expelled."

Hello! Hope everyone is safe at their houses and are enjoying the fanfic. Please vote and comment and tell me is there is anyway I can improve myself. Thanks for reading.


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