The Mysterious Letter

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I silently leave my dorm and tip toe out of the common room, into the corridor and finally under the stairs. I already see Draco waiting there. I whisper, "Hello Draco." He gets startled but says, "Hello Diggory." I ask, "Why did you ask to meet here and at such an odd time?"
He looks around for a while and looks back at me, saying, "You need to protect yourself." I ask, "Why are you telling me this?" He says," Because I am forced to go into loyalty of the Dark Lord, or else he will kill me. If I don't survive, at least I will die knowing that I saved someone." I am still confused. I ask, "Why do you care if I lived or died? Isn't your father a Death Eater? Don't you have your loyalty to Voldemort?"

He snaps, "I do what I want, Diggory! My father does what he wishes to do. I do care if you lived. I will know that coming from an evil background, at least I helped one person, at least I saved one person. You are the next target, after Potter. Be prepared for attacks as soon as you leave this school." He turns inn the other direction and runs away, towards the Slytherin Common room.

I am left here, baffled. First Umbridge refuses for me to be alive, and now Voldemort wants me dead. Can I have some peace? I don't think so. I sneak back into our common room, into my dorm and back in bed. I try to sleep, but I am not able to.

I stayed awake the whole night, looking out of the window, hoping some miracle will save me from this living hell. It has not even been a whole week, I already feel awful here. Xander, who usually wakes up earlier than I do, sees me awake and asks, "Oi, Cedric? You awake before me today!" I look at him, with the sleepless eyes and say, "Hah yes."

He questions, "Did you sleep last night?" I look away, out of the window and say, "No. How do you know?" he looks at me, dumbfounded, and exclaims, "You have something called dark circles underneath your eyes. I'll get you some coffee so that you will at least stay awake through the classes." and he rushes out of our dorm. I am still sitting by the window, looking at the sunrise.

A few minutes later, Xander walks back in with two cups of coffee. He sits beside me and asks, as he sips his coffee, "What kept the sleepy head Cedric up all night?" I take a sip from the coffee and say, "That's disgusting! How are you even drinking it?" He raises an eyebrow and says, "With my mouth. Finish that up, we don't want some precious coffee to go to waste or you get another detention for sleeping in class." I drain the bitter coffee down my throat, and say to him, "All done."

He looks at me and says, "Uh Cedric, I might have forgotten to add sugar in yours, as I usually like mine without sugar, uh sorry." I just stare at him, and then lastly exclaim, "You know how bitter that was!" he raises his voice to meet mine and says, "I know that was very bitter of me, I am so sorry!" I lower my voice and say, "I meant the coffee, Xander, the coffee was bitter." he laughs, "Oh, I am not sorry for that though."


I made it through the classes without sleeping, all thanks to that bitter drink Xander gave me. I am currently waiting by the library, waiting for Cho too show up. I already finished my homework, so I don't have anything to worry about. I walk into the library and whispers spread through, people pointing at me. I spot an empty seat. I walk towards the table and sit down in the seat. Everyone gets up and walks away from the table, leaving me alone, again. I bury my face in my hands, closing my eyes and hoping to dissolve into nothingness.

A hand touches my shoulder. I jump out of my seat and see that is Hermione. I sigh with relief. She asks, "You alright? You look awful, Cedric." I look at my shoes and say, "Yes, yes I am fine, thanks for asking." She says, "Okay, I need to go, take care!" I nod. She walks away in the other direction. I go back and sit in the chair, waiting for Cho. I pull out a random book to pass the time.

Cho finally arrives. She looks different, a good different. She has left her hair open, not in the regular braid she usually has it in. I am in awe. She walks toward me, sitting in the chair beside me. She asks "You look tired, when was the last time you slept?" Why does everyone keep asking that? Is it that obvious? I say, "Yesterday-" she cuts me off by laughing, "Weakling! I can stay awake for a week and you wouldn't know any difference." I lean back in the chair and say, "You are stronger than I am, that is quite obvious."

She questions, "You learned a new trick you didn't tell me about yet?" She points at the book I was supposed to be reading. I shrug and close the book, realising that I left it open, upside down. I am an idiot. I try to divert the topic, saying, "So, why did you want to meet here? You look good, by the way." She smiles, "Thanks." I wait for her to answer. She takes out the letter we found the other day.

I take the letter and open it, and see what is inside. These are the exact words I read:

Dear Mr. Diggory,

How are you doing? Hope you are in a good health condition. We want you to know this,

That's all that was written on the parchment. I look at Cho, who is equally confused. She says, "This is all that is written on it, no further information. I swear I have read these words somewhere. This handwriting, these exact words, I just can't remember where." I recognise the words as well. I try to remember where I have seen them, but fail.

Cho says, "So, your birthday is coming up, you have any plans?" I look at her and exclaim, "It's not in another six weeks! Why will I plan my birthday? it isn't like anything special happens on that day anyway." She whispers in my ear, "Not this year." I ask, "What does that mean?" She is packing her stuff and is ready to leave. I stop her and ask, "What does that mean, Cho?" She smiles and says, "Figure it out yourself, now if you will excuse me." she walks past me and out of the library.


Thank you for reading!!


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