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I am sitting on the couch in our dorm, reading Fantastic Beasts by Newt Scamander. Cho recommended this book, and I am bored so I decided to borrow the book from the library. Xander runs to be, snatches the book from my hand, tosses it on my bed and says, "Oi, come along." I ask, "Wha-" He pulls me to my feet and drags me into the common room. Quintessa sounds angry. She exclaims, "About time. Tie him up!" I try to fight them off, but Xander is taller and stronger than I am. I give up and let them kidnap me to wherever they are taking me.

Quintessa ties a cloth against my eyes and says, "Shush. It isn't a big deal." I sarcastically mock her, saying, "sHuSh iT iSn'T a bIg dEaL." and she smacks my head. They pull me by my arms into the corridors. I hear Peeves say, "Ohh kidnapping!" Surprisingly, he went away. We walk for what seems like hours. We finally turn into the last corridor and step into a room. Quintessa removes the blindfold and I am greeted by Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick, Hagrid and a few of my friends, including a few of the seventh year Hufflepuff's, Fred and George, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Angelina, Cho and Cho's friend, Marietta.

I fall on my knees, mumbling, "Thank you, you shouldn't have, why?" Cho helps me up. George says, "You know, Professor Dumbledore gave us this idea. He gave us permission to use this empty old useless good for nothing-" Angelina smacks his head and says, "Let someone else do the explaining, George. Not you either Fred." I giggle. Cho takes me aside and says, "Few of us, Quintessa, Xander, Fred, George and I went to Dumbledore a few days ago, and suggested this plan for a surprise party, and he had a better idea and allowed us to use this room. But he said we needed a few teachers to supervise us." I say, "That was expected, kind of."

I feel really good, happy, actually. I feel safe for the first time after starting Hogwarts. We celebrate a few more hours, and I am constantly thanking everyone, apologising for the trouble. I say to Ginny, "Thank you for coming here, sorry for the trouble." She says, "Thank or apologise again and you won't see the daylight tomorrow." I slowly back away, wanting to see the daylight tomorrow.

The small party finally comes to an end. Everyone leaves the room, leaving Cho and I alone in the room. Cho asks, "So, did you read the book?" I nod. she says, "Good, good." I turn to look at her and ask, "Do you want to take a walk?" She says, "I would love to."

We walk around in the courtyard for a few minutes, and it starts to get chilly. We walk into the corridors. Cho says, "I think I need to go, I'll see you tomorrow in the library." I wave her goodbye and walk to our common room.


A good few days pass by since my birthday, the winter breeze has started. I sit with a notebook, scribbling something. Cho comes around and sits beside me, and says, "Neville found the room of requirement last night." I raise an eyebrow and ask, "Really? That's great! how do you know?" She tries to look over my shoulder into my notebook. I shut it close. She says, "Be it that way then. Neville told Harry, Harry told Ron, Ron told Ginny, Ginny told Luna, Luna told me and here I am, telling you." I sigh, "That's a mouthful. Anyway, when are we starting?" She says, "This evening. Probably in a few hours from now."

I am running along side Quintessa, Xander, Cho and Marietta to the Room of Requirement. Harry is there, with a few other people, waiting for everyone to enter. I stand beside Harry and say, "Big day for you, Harry." He laughs, "Yeah right."

A few minutes later, everyone has arrived and Harry broke into a motivational speech. He says, "Today we will learn the dissarming spell." Harry whips out his wand and says, "Expelliarmus." Then he turns towards a wooden mannequin and says, "This time look at me theoritically perform the spell." He lifts his wand and says, "Expelliarmus!" The wand from the mannequin launches into the air and on the ground. Some of us burst into an applause. He asks us all to perform the spell. I hesitantly lift my wand and say, "Expelliarmus."

I must have pronounced it wrong, because my wand went flying in the air and falls on Ginny's head, who is standing two feet away from me. I know I am going to die. I prepare my last words when she just walks to me and says, "Mistakes happen. Now don't do that again." I sigh with relief. I whisper under my breath, "Thank god I didn't die." I try again, and again, but I have no luck.

Sometime later, Harry says, "I think we are done for today. Let's meet here tomorrow." We thank him and walk back to our Common Rooms.


I am walking through the windy Sunday, to Madam Puddifoot's, to meet Cho. She sent a message earlier today, stating that she wanted to meet me. I gladly accepted as I am getting bored of listening to Xander talk about Quintessa's eyes for four hours at a stretch. I open the door and sit at a table, waiting for Cho to show up. A few minutes later, she arrives.

I open the door for her and take her to the table I was waiting at. We sit and she asks, "Did you bring what I asked you to bring?" I remove six letters from my pocket and place it on the table in front of us. I ask her, "Why did you ask me to bring them?" She says, "Shh." She takes out her wand. She asks, "Can you hand me a letter. I really hope that this spell works."

I am confused. I ask her, "What spell? She says, "I was reading the an old book of spells which I borrowed from the library last night. And I came across this Charm. It is supposed to make invisible ink visible once again." I gasp, "Wonderful! Just wonderful." She takes a letter.

Cho taps the letter twice and whispers, "Aparecium." The ink is coming visible again. She takes the letter and reads it. I walk behind her to look at what is written in it. It says:

Dear Mr. Diggory,

How are you doing? Hope you are in a good health condition. We want you to know this, that Hogwarts is no longer safe for you.

The next message will be given in a few days. Take care.

I say, "The group of letter's together must mean something! Here, do the rest." Cho takes the letters in order and casts the charm on them. Cho asks, "You have a quill? I need to write this down so we don't have to open these letters everytime we need to use them." I do carry a quill around for no reason. I hand it to her and she takes out a bottle of ink.

She scribbles the sentences in my notebook. I read it:

We want you to know, that hogwarts is no longer safe. We cannot take the risk to ask you to leave Hogwarts. The world outside Hogwarts is even more dangerous. You must, at all costs stay inside Hogwarts. You must also report any unusual things that occur to you.

Cho says, "We need to head back to Hogwarts. Come on quickly!" We run out of Madam Puttifoot's and back to Hogwarts. We didn't open the sixth letter yet, as it isnot like the others. It is different.


Thank you reading and cooperating with me for this long.Please vote and comment. And if you have any suggestions, please notify me. Thank you once again, but please forgive me for not going more according to the book, or movies in general, sorry, and come at me if you want to. Thank you for listening to me rant for no particular reason.


© K_Gardener 2020 on Wattpad

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