A Date With Cho Chang

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Lucky me, that I have got a date with Cho. I sent the letter to father after Herbology. I have even finished the assignments and essays assigned to us. I have the whole evening off now. I open my wardrobe and search for something good to wear. Xander sits beside and sighs, "What a long day! Well, what did Sprout talk to you about?" I say, "She asked the usual questions, how I am doing or something like that."

He comes behind and asks, "What are you searching for?" I sit on my bed and put my head in my arms and say, "I have a date with Cho, and I have nothing good to wear! Help me out, Xander, help me!" He walks to my wardrobe and looks through my cloths. He pulls out an emerald green blazer, the matching trousers and a white shirt. He tosses it on my bed and says, "Nothing nice, eh? You don't have good eyes." We start laughing at the comment.


I quickly grabbed a few snacks and some pumpkin juice from the kitchen and head out to the courtyard. On my way there, I bump into someone. I turn around and see who it is. Draco Malfoy. This is going to be a long conversation, or so I expected. I apologize and hope for him to snap or tell a Professor or threaten me. But he quickly stands up and says, "My bad." and runs to the Slytherin common room. That was weird. I want to ask if he was doing alright, but I am already late for the date.

I pluck a few flowers and run to the courtyard. Cho is sitting on the fountain, staring at her reflection. She is wearing a tea length dark red dress.  I walk behind her and look at her reflection as well. She didn't notice me yet, so I say, "Hey beautiful. lost deep in your thoughts? Can I help?" she turns around, and stands up and I see that she is sad, frowning, teary eyed. I drop the bags of snacks, the bottle pf pumpkin juice and the flowers of the hard concreate. I pull her into a hug and she puts her head against my shoulder. She whispers, "We might as well hope to go to hell with a teacher such as Umbridge!"

I ask, "Is she a bad teacher? Is she the reason you are upset? Did something happened?" She goes silent for a few seconds and asks, "How did you finish your sixth year?" I say, "Professor Moody did teach us a lot of good stuff and defences and spells and-" I get cut off by her, exclaiming, "You learned spells and proper defence. We have to learn theory, nothing but theory and that is not what upsets me, it is the fact that people keep calling me a freak and traitor because I am going out with you." Cho is upset because of me?  I cannot believe it. I sit her down and say," I do not think you are a freak, you are lovely, beautiful and-" I get cut off by a voice.

Cho and I jump to our feet and turn around to see Professor Dumbledore. He says, "Young love. I will leave you two for now." We don't say anything. He walks away. Cho sits back down and I take a seat beside her. I pick up the flowers and give it to her. She smells it and says, "Beautiful." I want to take her mind off of the things happening in Hogwarts. 

I pull out the snacks from the bag and hand it to Cho. She refuses but I force her to eat the sandwich  anyway. She sighs, "You won't leave empty stomached, will you?" I laugh, "Of course not, never." I pour out the juice in the two cups I found lying around. We chat for a bit, laugh and keep moving closer to each other.

She says, "It is getting cold, isn't it?"She is wearing a sleeveless dress so I remove my blazer and put it around her shoulders. she exclaims, "Won't you get cold, Cedric?" I say, "Nope. You don't need to stay cold." She hugs me tightly.

She pulls the letter we found a few hours ago. She says, "I have a weird feeling that this handwriting is Mcgonagall's so it could be her who wrote it, but at the same time when I opened it, I am sorry for doing that, but I was curious in my defence, it is clearly a mixture of different handwritings." I respond, "It's alright, I wasn't that curious anyways."

I look in her dark eyes and she looks into mine, and before we know we are kissing. We pull away and clean the area around.  I am about to leave when she says, "Cedric! your blazer!" I say, " Keep it! Have a good night." and walk away when she chases me and says, "5 pm, tomorrow, library." I nod and we leave to our respective common rooms.


Hello! thank you for reading and please keep tuned it (lame joke) and sorry for the short chapter. Hope you like it!! Vote and Comment


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