A New Headmistress

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Days go by and the seasons change. It feels like it was Christmas just last week, but it isn't. Snape just finished teaching me DADA, he is the only teacher to teach me two subjects, DADA and portions.

He has been kinder to me, really unusual, he speaks softly, doesn't look that annoyed or unimpressed in general.

I sit back down, cleaning up after the spells and mess. Cho said that she would visit me this evening, and she is the cleanliness freak she is, she would make me whitewash the walls as well.

I am almost done setting the cushions on the couch when I hear the rattling noises from the wall. I draw my wand out and point at the walls, as I am not supposed to expect professors at this time.

I am preparing myself to cast the stunning spell when I see who it is, Cho. I put my wand away and walk to her, trying to take a closer look.

She said that she respected my privacy and would only call my name for me to open the entrance for her, or any of my friends.

She hides her hands behind her back, and avoids eye-contact. I pull her into a hug and ask, in a concerning voice, "What's wrong? You look awful."

She nearly breaks into tears. I hear screaming, "Oi, hold the entrance open!!" I look up and see Xander and Quintessa, rushing into the small room.

Xander tries to catch his breath while Quintessa looks perfectly normal. She is very athletic, she has to be, after all, Quintessa is the quidditch captain.

Xander rubs the back of his palms, trying to hide it from me. I pull away from Cho and take her hands. She has blood smeared all over her hands.

Quintessa exclaims, "Get the bandages for the three of us. We didn't want to disturb Madam Pomfrey right now so thought to come here. Both of us will leave as soon as possible."

I nod and walk towards the small first-aid kit near the kitchen. I open kit in front of them and remove the bandages.

I kneel in front Quintessa first and tie the banage, as she needs to rush to help other people. Then I tie the bandage around Xander's palm. They both rush away quickly.

I sit beside Cho, who is silently sobbing. I put my arm around her shoulder and kiss her forehead. I ask, "Why are you crying? Is there anyway I can help you? Does it hurt that bad?"

She snaps, "NO! no...I'm not crying. It does hurt but that is not why I am crying!" I get her a glass of water and say, "Drink this while I try to clean up your wounds."

I get a wash cloth and a bowl of tap water to clean her cuts. I first slowly wipe the blood away and then reach in for the cuts. Once done, I tie a bandage around her palm.

I kneel in front of her and wipe the tears from her eyes. She wraps her arms around and weeps,"You won't leave me right? You won't betray me right? Right?!"

I comfort her, saying,"I would never leave my best girl alone. You can rely on me, Cho, I swear on my life I would never leave you. Why do you ask that?"

She stands and corrects her robes. She prepared to leave when I grab her hand and ask,"Cho, explain something! You can't leave me here in suspense." 

She sits down, frustrated and says,"Dumbledore is no longer the headmaster." I interrupt her,"Then who is?"

She whispers,"Umbridge is." I exclaim,"WHAT?! That's not possible!" She sighs,"As much as I wish it was a myth, it is the truth. And...and.." she burst into tears.

I pull her closer to me and whisper,"How about you calm down first? Breathe in. Breathe out."  She chuckles,"I do remember how to breathe, Cedric."

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