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The next morning is see half of the Hufflepuff house in the hospital and the other half outside. All of them are holding some sort of banners. My eyes are too blurry to see anything properly. I can see more cards and sweets and pies by my bedside. Cho, my parents and my friends, Quintessa and Xander, are sitting on the sides of my cot. I feel stronger and better, I hope I will get to go home today, it's almost the start of the summer break!

I try to sit up, my father comes to my aid, helping me sit up perfectly. I do a quick scan around the room and spot the Weasley's, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George. Beside them is Harry and their friend Hermonie. I look at Cho next, and my friends. My mother looks the most tired of all, her eyes full of pain, her hands shaking, still a kind smile on her face.

Cho says, "How are you, Cedric?" I reply, "I am getting better, how are you all? Mum? Dad? Quintessa? Xander?" mumbles arise all of a sudden and they start talking at once. They all look excellent.

Madam Pomfrey stumbles into the room. She says, "You can go home today Cedric. your friends packed your luggage and you are good to go with your parents." I look at them. They shrug and smile at me. I am disappointed.

Madam Pomfrey instructs everyone to leave the room, and they do, leaving my friends, parents and Cho. They all look worried, sleepless but calm. My mother speaks in her same hushed and kind tone, "What happened Cedric?" I try to make up something, but I am not good at storytelling. I need them to know the truth, the truth of what happened to me, but remembering Dumbledore's warning, I won't be telling them about the powers.

I say, "When we were in the maze, Harry and I take the cup together and we find out that it's a portkey. We got teleported to some sort of an old graveyard. There he was standing, pointing his wand at me, and he threw an unforgivable curse at me. The death curse." Father asks, "Who is this he?"

I look away, at the door, Dumbledore stands, and he nods as if he wants me to tell them the truth. I am still scared to tell his name. I say, "He who must not be named." My mother gasps and takes a step back, Cho looks concerned.

Dad says again, "Well, we will leave you alone for some time then." he gives me a light hug. so does mother. Cho nods and leaves the room. Once again, I'm alone with my thoughts.


It's almost lunchtime and the last day of school. I am able to walk, but I need support to do so. Xander helps me walk to the Great Hall. This year Ravenclaw won the House cup. I take a seat with my friends.
Once the feast is over I can go back home. We head back to the common room and I find my bags packed. I am about to lift them when I hear Xander day, "Let me take the bags today. It isn't going to be heavy or anything. You can hardly stand on your feet!"
He takes my luggage as well as his and we head out of the common room, to Platform 9 3/4. There I make eye contact with the Weasley Twins for a second. They give me a thumbs up and head into their seats.
I go to the first two cars, the ones for the prefects. I hope to see Cho there, after all she is the ravenclaw prefect. 
I reach our home. My mom is super pleased to see me on my feet again. The Weasley twins help me get here from king's cross station. I asked them to leave without me as I'll slow them down but they refused to do so.
My dad helps me to my room where I change into something more comfortable and make my way downstairs to the kitchen for a snack.
My mom is there, she is making me some toast, just like she used to do when I was seven. Her smile soft and heartwarming. She was a Huffelpuff as well. She puts the butter on the toast and puts on my plate. She sits beside and and asks,"How are you?"
I look into her light blue eyes. I say,"I feel better, mum." She hold my left hand and says," You don't have to lie to me, Cedric. Tell me the truth." I am not feeling better. I feel worst with every passing second. I am somehow related to Helga Huffelpuff. I can't get my mind off of it.
I want to tell her the truth. I really do. But my parents' safety is my first priority. I feel a weird headache. I tell her,"My head is paining mum. Can you help me out?"
She puts her hand on my forehead and says,"You have a light fever. I think you should sleep for sometime after finishing your meal."
My dad comes in and says,"My boy! You have made me so proud! Get well soon and I shall get you a new broom for Quidditch soon." I think what will I do with a new broom? My old one is not in that bad shape after all. I could use it for next year. I nod and stumble my way back to my room.

Thanks for reading!!!


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