Dumbledore's Amry

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Five weeks since I and Cho discussed about the letter in library. Every week, I keep getting a new letter addressed to me, but the same words inside. I am lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling, hoping it would collapse on me. Xander says,"If you don't get up and get dressed this instant, you will be late for DADA."
I sit up straight and look at him and say,"Are you serious?"
He smirks and says,"No, I am Xander. Sirius is Harry's godfather." I face palm. I pull the covers off and walk into the showers.
I am standing in front of the mirror, trying my best to fix my tie. I whisper to myself,"We'll deal with the tie later." And I walk into the common room, where Quintessa runs towards me and ask,"What took you so long? Just a reminder that I am the girl in the group not you two!" She said that while pointed her finger in our faces. She looks at my tie and exclaims,"Now now Cedric, you can't even tie your own tie?"
She takes my tie and ties it tightly. Then pulls us, with the help of our ties, out of the common room and to the Great Hall. Xander says,"Quin, I think you are choking us." She snaps,"If it weren't for you two, I would have at least had breakfast and if I get hungry, I won't be afraid to choke the life out of you two. Now walk!"
Xander mouths to me,"What's wrong with her?" I mouth back,"I don't know!" We enter the classroom at the right time. Umbridge isn't there yet, so we stumble into our seats, quickly.
The rest of the day just goes the same, except for Fred and George who tried to turn Angelina's hair pink this time. They did succeed as a matter of fact, but got smacked by her book in the face. I had a good laugh and helped them up, to check is they were okay, which they always are.
Cho hurries into the library and takes my hand. She says,"Come quickly, ask questions later!" I run along with her into a store, she is running too fast, I barely am able to catch up with her and miss the name of the store.
She leads me up the stairs and into an old room. There I see Fred, George, Ginny, Neville, Luna and many other people. Cho leads me to some chairs and points at one and says,"Sit. Now ask what you wanted to ask." I sigh,"Where do you want me to start?"
Hermione and Ron drag Harry into the room, Hermione arguing with Harry about some topic. After a long discussion of the three just pointing things out. Harry agrees. He starts to tell us about the day I nearly died. After every sentence, everyone turned towards me. I am internally screaming at them to turn around and listen to Harry.
At last Harry asks us to sign up, or like sign on the form. I didn't pay attention to Harry today was because, I was thinking about what Dumbledore told me in the infirmary. Helga Huffelpuff. Those words are stuck in my mind again.
Cho nudges me with her elbow and asks,"Did you even listen him?" I say,"Listen Cho, there is something very very important I need to tell you, and this is not the right place or time." She says,"Okay... just sign up for now. We will talk about this later."
I take the parchment and sign under Cho's name. Harry nods and I nod back. Cho pulls me out and asks,"Now what did you listen inside?" I shrug, looking away from her angry eyes,"Nothing." Her grip hardens on my wrist. She almost sounds as if she is threatening me, saying,"You better have a really good reason for not listening, Cedric." I say,"As a matter of fact, I do!"
Cho takes me out of the store and into an empty alleyway. There, she tells,"Harry will be helping us with learning DADA, all the defensive spells, tactics and much more. And we all just agreed on forming the group or army with him. Him to command and us to follow. Now, Cedric, explain yourself!" I look around at the passersby, glaring at us. I whisper in her ear,"Too many people. We need to go somewhere more, private." She asks,"Library?" I say,"Library."
We run back into the library, and take a seat on a table. As soon as I sat, everyone stood up and walked away. Cho asks,"When will they see you the way I do? You are completely harmless." I try to explain to her when my voice cracks. She says,"Get the words out."
I take a deep breathe and start,"I didn't exactly survive the killing curse, it was more like I have this ability to protect me, which saved me. And that's the reason I survived or else I would have been dead. This ability, this power, is only seen with two other people, someone in the Diggory family from a few generations ago, and," I stop and look around. Making sure no one can hear me,"and, Helga Huffelpuff. I-"

She cuts me off by saying,"And you thought it would be best to swallow this information and keep dying internally? Why didn't you tell me?" I try to defend myself by saying,"Dumbledore told me that it's best kept a secret for the safety of my loved ones. I couldn't effort to lose you and this, I-I-I am sorry." She says,"No more secrets, okay Cedric? Even it could get me killed, no more secrets." I repeat,"No more secrets."

Cho smiles and walks over to comfort me. I am shaking, terribly. She pulls me into a hug and says,"Hush. It will be alright, soon. It will be alright. Here, have some water." She hands me her water bottle. I drink the water. I stop to tremble, slowly.

We are about to leave the library when a letter hits me in the face. I take it and see the same thing written. Cho says,"We have gotten almost five letters like this. Yet we don't know who it is coming from."

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