The Final Battle

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Cho wanted to meet me at my house tonight. I wait for her, sitting on my front porch. I had to ask her something as well. I breathe in and out. In and out. I tidy up the tiny apartment, fold the clothes, wash the dishes, clean the floor, fluff the pillows, change the sheets, dust the frames and books and lastly, cook something good.

I hear a knock on my front door. I excitedly open it and exclaim, "Cho! Welcome to my house." "Not bad for a-" I pull her into a kiss before she could finish. She pulls away and says, "At least let me remove my coat."

"Sorry, just got excited to find out you made it here, safe and sound, considering what's going on here."

I take her coat and hand it on the coat hanger. I escort her to the coffee table. I pull a chair for her to sit and then sit in front of her. She says, "Well, I found something. But you wanted to tell me something as well, right?"

"You go on first."

"I was digging through the restricted section at hogwarts the other day when I came across this page. I copied it down for you to read it."

"When did you do all this?"

"Last year or something. I wrote and forgot about it."

She hands me a paper. I look at it. It's not even the full page, just a paragraph. I turn the page over and it's empty. I question, "What is this?"

"Your powers. I didn't find a lot of information but that was all Rowena Ravenclaw wrote...about Helga Huffelpuff's power. Read it."

I start to read the text:

'Healing powers.

These powers were never seen in anyone prior to Helga. Helga was bit by a werewolf three weeks ago. No symptoms or sights of her turning into a werewolf. There could only be one of two explanations that is correct. She wasn't bit or she has an ability to resist it. For a fact, I know she was bit by one because I was there. I viewed the whole scenario play out. With that I could conclude that Helga has a special ability of healing.'

What did I just read? I push the paper back to Cho and say, "So, I have weird healing abilities?"

"Yes. That could sum up why you survived two years ago, why you didn't have any effect of the quill Umbridge gave us or why you didn't feel pain before." She said in one breath.

"Breathe, Cho!" I exclaim.

I pour tea in the teacups for us. I offer, "Biscuit?" "No, thank you. You wanted to tell something?"

"Ask, actually. I was wondering if you would like to move in with me?" I ask

"I need to time to think it through. I should get going. I'll see you soon!" She says and grabs her coat. She rushes out of the door.

I bury my face in the coffee table, muttering to myself, "You blew it, Cedric. One chance and you blew it. Good job."


Three months later, I see a letter on my doorstep. I pick it up and see who's sent it to me. I've already told mum I'm doing fine, going to work during weekdays, having three meals a day...maybe, paying my rents and most importantly taking care of myself. Hopefully.

It's from Cho. Cho? I thought she hated me by now. I open it up. It says:

Open the door, dear.

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