Christmas at Hogwarts

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One week passes by quickly. The cuts and injuries have healed slowly, but it still hurts to touch the scars under by left eye, on my right cheek and on a few other spots.

I wake up to the cold breeze from the window. I sigh,"I left the window open, didn't I? Stop talking to yourself, Cedric."

I push myself off the bed and walk to the window. I close it. I stretch a little and crack my knuckles. I think,'Won't it be good to bake a cake or have a hot cup of tea! Let's do both.'

I start to go through the many bowls, pans, spoons and knives. I hear a voice say,"Open the door, Cedric!" I walk to the wall and tap the seventeenth brick of the eight row with my wand.

Cho enters the small apartment, looking beautiful as ever. I compliment,"You look wonderful, Cho!" She rubs her fingers against the cuts on my face and says,"You look tired. Why don't you sleep a little longer? I'll come back later if you don't mind."

I say,"No no stay! I was about to bake a cake. Maybe you could have some...." She removes her coat and places it on the couch. She cracks her knuckles and says,"Let's do this! I'll help you out."

I open the cupboard doors and stare at many boxes piled on top of each other. Cho says,"You have lived here for over a week now, and the cupboard is still not organised!?"

I rub the back of my neck and shrug. She shakes her head in disappointment and proceeds to arrange the condiments. A few minutes later, I offer to help her with the higher cupboards.

Within one hour, we finish organising the condiments and utensils. I say,"Now, I will bake my mother's special chocolate cake!"

I pick out the ingredients from the cupboard. Cho asks,"So what is this special recipe of your Mum's?" I dramatically walk over to the counter and tell,"First we will need flour, you grab that while I get the bowls and spatula."

Cho opens a cupboard and removes a new bag of flour. She open it up and it explodes all over her face and her bright blue cardigan.

She breathes out, angrily, saying,"What was that? And come here this instant!" I
try to suppress my laughter. I slowly walk towards a fuming Cho Chang.

Once I reach near her, she lifts the bag over my head and dumps it all over me. I gasp,"What?!" She says, with a smug look,"Revenge."

I exclaim,"We could say that we are in a floural mess." She looks at me, baffled. She regains her voice and questions,"Wa- was that a pun? In the midst of this crisis, all you can do is think of a pun?"

I say, "It's my speciality. Anyway, you relax while I finish baking this cake." She nods and dusts the  flour from her cardigan. Meanwhile I continue to bake, adding sugar, salt, baking powder and the rest of the ingredients.

Cho walks over to the counter, her skin still pale from the flour. I giggle a little, trying to focus on the dough rather than her face. She mutters, angrily,"What's so funny, Diggory?" I smile and continue to work on the cake.

A few long minutes later, the cake ready and out of the oven. Cho asks, "Do you have a bar of soap or a face wash? This flour is not willing to leave my face." I toss a bar of soap to her, a bar of dish washing soap.

She walks over to the counter and says, "This is dish washing soap, not a face you can use on your soap. Please take this seriously." I laugh and hand her the face wash. She snatches it, aggressively and walks over to the sink to wash her face.

I finish the frosting of the cake and offer it Cho. She smiles and says, "The chef must be the one to cut it, right?" I shutter, "Oh okay." I take the cake and place it on the table in front of the couch.

I say, "Together?" Cho takes the knife and I hold her hand. We proceed to cut the cake. I take the first slice and say, "Open your mouth." and push it into Cho's mouth. She mutters from her full mouth, "Too much!"

I look at her as she tries her best to swallow the huge slice of cake. She wipes the cream off of her face and says, "Don't put that much cake in my mouth ever again. Now your turn." She slices the cake and I wait for her to put it in my mouth.

But, Cho had other plans. She rubs it all over my face. I exclaim, "What?! Why'd you do that?" She almost falls off the couch laughing. She says, "You aren't the only one who can be annoying. Go wash your face before you can use that cream as soap."

I sarcastically imitate her, "wAsh YoUr fAcE bEfOrE YoU cAn UsE tHaT cReAm aS SoAp." She hits me with a pillow and laughs, "Go!" I go and wash my face. She asks, "Did you even take a bath?" I realise that I didn't and I probably should.

I say, "I'm just about to head into the shower. You?" She says, "I should probably go back to my common room before the other Ravenclaw's think I am lost." I nod and head into the shower to wash off the flour from my hair.


Days pass by and Christmas Eve rolls around. I sit on the ledge of the window, looking out at the bright stars in the sky. I take out the small family photograph from my pocket. I look at mum, her smile, the way she stood, how kind she looked, and then I look at dad, standing upright, bold and daring, he had a proud look on his face. Then there I am, just five years old, stuffing a chocolate frog in my mouth.

I think to write to mum and dad, but I was told that the letters are being tracked and I could risk my life and get sent to Azkaban. The thought is enough to give me nightmares.

It is better not to send any letters to mum or dad. I could probably make something for Cho, well she is the only one who knows I am here. I open a magazine and look through the knitting designs. I can't knit.

Knitting is out of the bag, so I could make her a box of cookies! I surely can bake, I might as well write her a letter or make her a card. Yes, I am baking her a box of cookies, I am making a box for the cookies first.

Time passes by, minute after minute, hour after hour. I spot the sun rise, I stayed up the whole night, but it was worth it. I take the freshly baked cookies from the oven and place it in the box.

I take a red ribbon and wrap the box, card and letter with it. I wait for Cho to come, hope for Cho to come. I hear a knock on the rock wall. I draw my wand out and open the doors to the room.

I see Cho, in a dark green jumper and red skirt, her hair neatly out of her face. I say, "You look good." She looks at me, up and down, and says, "I should say the same. You look handsome."

I hurry her into the room and say, "Sit there, I have something for you." and I take out her gift from the bag and hand it to her. She exclaims, "You shouldn't have." I say, "It was all my pleasure to get the bright smile on your face."

Cho says, "Okay now, close your eyes, and put your hands out." I do so. I feel something soft on my hands. She says, "Go on, open your eyes!" I open my eyes and see a bright blue and yellow knitted jumper.

I exclaim, "Did you make it? Did you knit it?" She looks away and says, "Yeah..." I say, "I love it! Open yours." She pulls the ribbons off of the box. The smell of the cookies fill up the room. She exclaims, "Ah! It's wonderful. Why thank you."

We talk for a few minutes and I randomly say, "I am no thief but I sure hope to steal your heart one day." She turns red but says, "You already did." I could feel the blood rush into my face as well.

We spend the rest of the day talking and kissing, mostly kissing. Night rolls around soon and we roll into the small bed, together. I whisper to her, "Won't people realise you are missing." She whispers back, "No one will even suspect I am not present. After all, all the girls from my dorm are back at their houses for Christmas. and I said everyone I would be out at the night."


Hello! Thank you for reading. Please tell me if I can improve myself in anyway and please vote and comment as well.


© K_Gardener 2020 on Wattpad

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