A Secret Room

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I stare at Dumbledore in confusion. McGonagall exclaims, "Oh, Albus, just get to the point. He is already pretty sick and looks awful!" Dumbledore says, calmly, "Minerva, there is a time for everything, a time for everyone. Everything happens for a reason."

Sprout interrupts, "If neither of you will tell him, I will do it myself!" Dumbledore finally tells, "Cedric, you are expelled in the eyes of the wizarding world. But for us, your teachers, you will still be a student and, we have made sure of it that you will stay in Hogwarts, while no one else knows where you really are."

I mumble, "I am sorry, Professor, but I am unable to understand what you are trying to indicate." McGonagall touches my face, moving her fingertips across the marks of the cuts. She then proceeds to ask, "What happened?" I tell her what happened in that dark corridor.

Sprout questions, "You saw the face of the person who attacked you?" I answer, "No, it was too dark." McGonagall asks, "Did you draw your wand out in self-defence?" I reply, "No, I didn't take my wand as it was DADA. It should still be lying in my closet."

They both turn to Dumbledore, who says, "I was given the news that you nearly used the unforgivable curse on a first year. I am sorry for the misjudgement, but Umbridge won't stay silent until you have been expelled from Hogwarts. She would destroy the whole school if you are still here."

I say, forgetting that the teachers are around me, "She teads to hate me most in the whole school." I realise that I am not alone and go red with embarrassment. I had one job. Good job, Cedric, good job. Sprout comments, "That's about right." 

McGonagall then says, "Mr. Diggory, we might not be able to stop the expelling order, but we might be able to halp you finish you seventh year." I ask, from confusion, "Wh-How?" Dumbledore says, "There is a small room in Hogwarts that no one knows about. As the words goes, there is a room in the first floor of Hogwarts that is not visible to anyone. We, the staff, were thinking of allowing you to stay there and have your lessons, personally with each teacher." 

I calm down and say, "Thank you! Oh sir, thanks a lot." Sprout says, "Now there is something more important we need to tell you. Your parents have been informed that you were expelled and you ran away from Hogwarts." What did I just hear? I ask, "I beg your pardon?"

McGonagall says, "Your father, Amos, works in the Ministry, and we cannot let anyone know that you are still here. You might let the ones close you know about this information, like your friends." I feel bad that I cannot tell mum about this, but at least I can let Cho, Xander and Quintessa know about this.

I ask," Professor Dumbledore, can I ask you something?" Dumbledore nods and McGonagall and Sprout leave the room. He says, "Ask all your questions, Cedric." I say, "I said Cho about my abilities, I couldn't keep it from her. Is she safe?" Dumbledore smiles, "Of course she is. I knew that you would tell someone, just I didn't expect it to be Miss Chang." with that, he turns around and exits the room.

Cho hurries into the room and presses her lips to mine. I honestly enjoy the moment. Fred and George exclaim, "Ew guys, get a room." I pull away and say, "You don't know how it feels to have a girlfriend." Xander scoffs, "Yeah right."

Quintessa pushes them aside and says, "What did Dumbledore say?" I explain them all about the secret room and they seem pretty shook with that information. Cho sits on my cot. She asks, "Why can't they just fire Umbridge? It's not like anyone is going to miss her after all."

Quintessa responds, "It could be beacuse she wasn't hired by Dumbledore, like Quirrell, Lockhart, Lupin or Moody. She was sent by the Miniestry after all!" I try to get up and fall back in pain. Xander exclaims, "You lost it? You have been hurt so bad and you want to go where now?"

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