Chapter 1- Lies

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A/N: (I reposted after I did some last minute editing- but it was originally posted on the 22nd of September) Hiii!! I'm gonna just get straight into the story- most chapters won't have a authors note at the top, except for the song names. But for this one I wanted to say hello! Songs that represent the chapters mood/meaning will be up top. I do recommend listening to them, they are pretty good in my opinion. Okay I'll let you be now :) enjoy
PS. The song up top is LITERALLY this book in a song

~Empty Space- James Arthur~

Draco Malfoy walked into the Great Hall. He saw his girlfriend of 1 year, Hermione Granger talking with the two bright red-haired Weasleys, Ron and Ginny, along with Harry Potter. He walked up to them and sat down next to his girlfriend. He made her jump as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "Draco!" She shouted but laughed it off.

"Good Morning." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Hi." She replied.

"What are your plans for the day?" He asked.

"I'm going to be studying," Hermione replied, she'd been studying like crazy because O.W.L.s were this year.

"Alright. I'll join you in the library." He smirked.

"No," Hermione said and looked at him in the eyes. "I think I'll be alright on my own, Draco."

Draco got a really uneasy feeling in his stomach. He removed his arm from her waist. Hermione and he always studied together. She loved library dates. It was the only time they actually could be by themselves, until about a month ago. She'd been spending less and less time with her boyfriend, and more with best friend Weasley. "Oh." He finally said. "I guess that's okay."

"Alright," Hermione muttered, she looked back at her book, reading the page. Draco saw her right hand connect with Rons left.

"Hermione.." Draco stated. She finished the page then looked at him.

Hermione sensed the annoyance and fear in his voice. "Yeah... What's wrong?" She asked, with slight worry. Draco looked at her straight into her chocolate brown eyes.

He tensed up, trying to keep his cool. "Why are you holding hands with Weasley?" Draco asked, with an aggressive tone.

Weasley quickly unlinked his hand with Hermiones and wiped it on his pants. He started to sweat.  Hermione's face flushed with embarrassment. "I-"

"No need to explain yourself." Draco stood. "It's not worth explaining. I see the way you look at him." He choked on his words.

"Draco-" She stood up also.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked.

"I didn't think-" Hermione said. The first time she hadn't thought about something.

"You didn't think?" He shouted and the Great Hall went quiet. He then lowered his voice as the Hall started getting loud again. He and Hermione stood in the middle of the aisle. "You didn't think I would find out? Sooner or later it would have happened, Hermione, and it happened now." Tears slowly dripped down his face.

"I'm sorry." She said, not meaning it at all.

"No." He said through gritted teeth, trying not to lose his temper. He looked back at the three who sat at the table, staring at him. He looked back into Hermione's cold eyes.

"Malfoy-" Hermione said softly, trying to reason with him. The use of his last name hurt him. He shook his head and ran off. She let him go and sat back down with the crew.

"You okay?" Ron asked, rubbing her back.

"I'm fine.." Hermione looked back at the doors.

"He doesn't deserve you, Mione. You deserve someone better than that ferret." Ron said. Hermione looked at him and giggled. He smiled as she pressed her lips on his.

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