Chapter 3- A Very Malfoy Christmas

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~In This Shirt- The Irrepressibles~

"Merry Christmas, Malfoy," Hermione said sitting down at the Slytherin table next to him. Draco's friends weren't there so she was safe. She handed him a box.

"Merry Christmas, Granger." He smiled.

"Open it!" She said excitedly. He untied the silver bow and lifted the top. He lifted up a white bear with a green bow tied around its neck. He smiled.

"Thank you." He hugged her and kissed her cheek. Draco lifted a small wooden box from under the table and handed it to her.

"Ooooh." She grinned and slowly opened the box. It revealed a silver necklace with a word on it. "Leviosa." She said, reading it and he smiled. "Thank you."

"Of course." She turned around and handed him the necklace. She lifted her hair as he put it on her. Once it was on she turned back around. They both smiled at each other. They both looked like they had something to say to one another. Hermione took his hand.

"Come with me." She said. They left their stuff on the table and left.

Hermione took Draco to the Astronomy Tower. She took him over to the railing and stood in front of him. She smiled. "Why, you're awfully gitty, Granger. You alright?"

"I'm fine. Great actually." She looked at him and her cheeks went red.

"Are you sure?" Draco gave her a sweet smile. Hermione couldn't help herself and wrapped her arms around his neck, rather quickly. She pressed her lips on his and he smiled as she kissed him.

They pulled apart slowly and smiled. "Well." Draco looked out at the water and laughed. "It's not like you haven't kissed me before." He looked back at her.

"I know." She giggled.

"Um," He got awkward. "Can I tell you something?

"Yes." Hermione led them to a bench and they sat down. "Anything."

"I.." Draco paused. He looked down at his hands that Hermione held in hers. "I love you. I've always loved how smart you are, how caring you are for Pottah and Weasley, and you've given me a new perspective on the way I see people."

Hermione smiled. She moved her hands up to his face. "I love you too." She smiled and kissed him again.

Draco broke out in a cold sweat. He woke up, breathing heavily. He broke out crying. His memories of him and Hermione had been taking over his dreams for days. Once he had calmed down, he got up from his bed and walked into the hall. It was still pitch black outside and he noticed a present outside his door. He picked it up and brought it inside his room. He set it on his bed along with himself.

He looked at it. It was from Luna. He opened the small blue box. It was a picture. A picture from the Yule Ball. It was of him and Hermione dancing.

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