Chapter 10- Happy Birthday (Smut Warning)

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~SexyBack- Justin Timberlake~
A/N: one thing about the way I write smut, I write it as if I was watching it, so I had small details that others might gloss over. So it's very descriptive, read at your own risk :)
I warned you

The days went slow but then sped up as they passed. Harry's 16th birthday was a few days away, and Draco hadn't thought of what to do. He wanted the day to be special. While Harry was in the shower, he walked downstairs to find Sirius enjoying the music playing on the record player. Draco cleared his throat, and Sirius turned to him. "Oh," he quickly turned it down, "Draco,"

"I have a question," He said, giving Sirius a smile.

"Yes, what is it?"

"I want to do something special for Harry's birthday. Since I probably have to leave the first, I want to make it as memorable as possible. Plus he's had a tough year, and I don't know what next year has in store."

"Hm.." Sirius thought, "Take him to the Leaky Cauldron, and maybe uh... Diagon Alley? It was my favourite place to go as a teen."

"Sounds good, I need your permission though if you would allow him to have anything at the pub."

"Yes, yes of course." Sirius walked over to a table, and tore off a small bit of parchment, writing quickly. "There you go," he handed it to him. "I might make him something myself, just have to remember how to change wizard money into muggle.." Draco giggled.

"Good luck. Have a good night Sirius." He nodded, and Draco quickly ran back up the stairs.

When the day came, he was going to try staying as long as he could, before getting a howler from his mother. The boys had gotten their Hogwarts letters a day before. Harry was laying in bed, reading over his list again. He sweat a lot in his sleep, and because he got more comfortable around Draco, he slept in only his boxers. Malfoy stood in the bathroom and looked into the fogged-up mirror. He smiled and wrapped a black towel around his waist. His hair was still wet as he walked into Harry's bedroom. He ruffled his hair, with the loose water going all over the place.

Harry looked at the boy that had just walked into the room. "Happy Birthday to me." He said, blushing.

Draco gave him a seductive smile. "That's not what you're going to be saying tonight."

Harry's eyes widened.

"Oh yeah." Draco walked over to him, Harry laying on the side with the closet, the right. Draco leaned down and whispered in his ear. "I'll make you scream.. louder than Voldemort ever has." Shivers went through Harry's body as he stood back up. He walked over to his backpack that sat on the chair. Hedwig flew in through the window with a package tied to her foot. She placed herself in her cage, as three more owls flew in and sat on Draco's side of the bed. Harry untied the packages and letters and sent them back out with a thank you letter for each. Hedwig stayed in her open cage.

Hermione had gotten him a book. The book was on the history of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Ron had sent him a letter, along with a small package of fudge from his mum. Remus sent him a letter, along with chocolate frogs. Sirius gave Harry money the night before so he could by whatever he wanted. Last but not least, the last package was from Hagrid. It was a small box with his 'famous' rock cakes.

Draco slid his boxers on and looked at Harry while pulling on his jeans. "Your friends really care about you." He said.

"What did you get me?" Harry asked, trying not to drool looking at the Malfoy's pale, hairless, body.

"My virginity." He laughed.

"You must be joking," Harry said, giggling quietly.

"For now," Draco smirked as he put his shirt on. Harry stood up and walked over to Draco. He wrapped his arm around the blonde boy's waist and looked up at him. He got on his tiptoes, putting his left hand on the boy's cheek. He pulled him towards him and their lips touched. Their bodies pushed up against each other and Harry felt himself become erect. He was embarrassed, but Draco didn't try to pull away, so he didn't either.

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