Chapter 12- Back to Hogwarts

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~A Teenager in Love- Dion and the Belmonts~

August 20th-
A few weeks later, Draco's left arm was wrapped up because it kept bleeding. He had got his books from Diagon Alley the week before. He wasn't looking forward to this year. He hadn't sent a letter to Harry, and Harry hadn't tried contacting him. It was for the best.

Malfoy kept watching the small snippets he had gotten of himself playing the guitar, along with clips of him and Harry messing around. While Harry was in the shower, he took the quiet moments to practice. He recorded his movements so he wouldn't forget. He picked up his guitar and sat on his bed. He started to play with fingering techniques and cords.

He ended up singing along to the cords he was strumming. It was the song A Teenager in Love from the 1950s. "Each time we have a quarrel, it almost breaks my heart.." He played it over and over until he got it right.

He continued until he finished the song. It took him all day, and he didn't realize his mother had walked in. "Why must I be a teenager in love?" He sang with the last strum. His mother started clapping sweetly. Draco turned his head towards her, smiled slightly. The only person in his family he had respect for was his mother.

"You have a good singing voice." She smiled.

"Thanks, mum." Draco stood up and put his guitar on its stand.

"I came up to tell you dinner is ready."

"I am hungry, but I would not like to look at my father."

"Understandable," She nodded. "do you want me to send it up?"

"Yes, thank you." She nodded and apparated with a pop. Draco walked over to the dumbwaiter. He opened it and took the plate. He sat down on his bed and lifted the metal top.

September 1st-
On the train ride to Hogwarts, Draco sat in the booths with Pansy. Blaise was talking with his girlfriend, Ginny Weasley, in the hall. Harry sat with Ron in one of the compartments. The two of them, along with Ginny, had followed Draco to Borgin and Burkes the day the ceremony happened. "So what was Draco doing with that weird-looking cabinet?" Ron asked. Ginny had joined them in the compartment, parting ways with Blaise and closed the door. Blaise joined Draco and Pansy.

"Don't you see? It was a ceremony, an initiation." Harry explained. He had seen through the window before Greyback closed the drapes. He had run off to get Ron and Ginny and came back to see Malfoy talking to Borgin.

"Stop it, Harry," Ginny said.

"It's happened." Harry cried. "He's one of them.." Tears filled his eyes.

"One of what?" Ron asked.

"A death eater." Harry looked at Ron. "He's joined them.."

"No need to cry about it, mate. You're barking." Ron giggled. "Why would You-Know-Who want with that ferret?"

"What's he doing in Borgin and Burkes, then? Browsing for furniture?" Ginny asked.

"It's a creepy shop. He's a creepy bloke." Ron responded, looking at his sister.

"Look." Harry choked out, holding back. "His father is a Death Eater. It only makes sense. Besides, Ginny saw the green smoke with her own eyes."

"I told you, I don't know what I saw," Ginny answered. Harry wiped his eyes and stood up. He reached up and grabbed his cloak. "I need some air." He walked out of the compartment. He walked to the next train car and stood in the connection space. He stood at the side, keeping himself hidden. Draco stood up and went over to his bag. He started walking back to his seat, as the train car filled with black smoke. Commotion erupted as it cleared slowly. "What was that?" Draco whipped around and looked at his friend. "Blaise?"

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