Chapter 9- Number 12

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~Super Freak- Rick James~

The next day, the five of them walked to Hogsmeade station. Draco spotted Harry but stayed away. They exchanged a smile and went their separate ways.

The train ride was long and boring. Draco got to Kings Cross and saw Harry. He had walked quickly up to a man with shoulder-length black hair. Draco smiled as he saw the happiness fill Harry's eyes. Draco walked out and found the Knight Bus. He boarded and went to Malfoy Manor. He arrived at his house and opened the door, the house was dark as it always was. He used his wand and lit the light fixtures. The house-elf walked out of the kitchen. "Welcome home, Master Draco."

"Hello." Draco smiled and set his trunk down.

"Would you like the usual?" The elf asked.

"Yes, but with no water. I would like it straight, please." The elf nodded and walked back into the kitchen. Draco walked over to the couch and sat down. He turned on the television that his mother brought down from his bedroom, and switched it to the 24 hours 80s Rock channel. He kicked off his shoes and laid down. The house-elf came out with a glass of Absinthe. Draco smiled. "Thank you."

"What would you like for dinner, Master Draco?" It asked.

"Tomato soup." The elf nodded and walked back into the kitchen.

Draco smiled at himself and cranked up the volume on the music. He started to sing along and dance around. Since he was alone, he could do whatever he wanted, at least, for a month. He didn't want to obey his mother's wishes and quickly started writing a letter to the one and only, Harry Potter.

About a week later, Draco woke up on the living room couch, with the Malfoys family owl on his chest. It had a letter in its beak. He grabbed the letter and the owl flew out the window. He opened it and read it.

'Hey :)
Glad you made it home safe. Sirius is doing well and I am very happy. Our house elf Kreacher is a git sometimes but he's alright. I would love for you to come spend this month with us. Sorry, this letter is a week late. I asked Sirius and he was a little uneasy about it, but he said it was okay. Pack up your bags, Draco. You're coming to stay with me. :D I'll see you in a bit!! Remember, 12 Grimmauld Place.
Harry <3'

Draco smiled, ran upstairs and grabbed his guitar, the video camera and some clothes. He shoved everything he needed in his backpack that had an extension charm. He changed into a fresh pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt. He quickly put on his converse and messed with his hair, putting a little less gel than usual, knowing it would become a mess. He ran down the stairs and walked into the kitchen while putting his backpack on. "Hey, I'm gonna be gone for the rest of the month."

"Where are you going, Master Draco?" The elf asked.

Draco trusted the elves. "To London."

"Miss Narcissa said-"

"I don't care." He smiled. "Don't tell her I went alright?" The elf nodded. "You have the rest of the month off."

The eyes of the elf widened. "T-thank you, Master Draco. I won't tell." Draco smiled and gave them a galleon. He walked out of the kitchen, as the elf apparated away. He took the lights and closed the front door. He shoved his wand into his pocket and walked down the long pathway to the road. He stuck his wand out and a three decor, a bright purple bus came speeding down the road.

It stopped in front of Draco and Stan walked out of the bus. "Oh, 'ello again." He smiled. "Where are you off to today?"

"Number 12 Grimmauld Place." Draco smiled.

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