Chapter 10

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Who agrees that NLE is the most funniest rapper.

Derek POV

Ever since I got out the hospital I've been scared of what would happen next. Mattia still doesn't no who it is that did this to me but he tries to get it out but I won't budge.

Me:" I'm so bored"
I got up and walked to the kitchen because I was gonna bake a cake. As I was walking down the stairs I felt this sharp pain in my lower stomach.

I thought it was just my period and left it alone. But then I remembered I haven't been on it in a week. I shrugged it off then walked to the kitchen.

Once I was down there I got all the things to bake a cake when Val walked in.

Me:" Hey"
Me:" I no your not still mad about what I did"
Val:" Whatever, what you doing"
Me:" Fixing a cake"

Val:" Let me help"
Me:" Sure"
He cracked an egg and it fell on the floor.

Me:" Let me show you"
I stepped beside him grabbing his hands. I showed him how to crack it and we smiled at each other.

Me:" Uhh crack 3 more"
He nodded and cracked them.
I went to go get the measuring cup but someone got it for me. I turn around seeing Mattia.

I smiled then kissed him. From the corner of my eye I could see Val frown.

Mattia:" What y'all making"
Me:" A cake"
Mattia:" Ooo"
He walked and sat on the couch.

I smiled and got the milk. I looked back at Val and he was looking forward.

Me:" Val"
Nothing. I looked at what he had in his hand it was nothing.
Me:' Val"
He looked at me.
Val:' Sorry I was just thinking about something"

He whipped his hands and walked away. I shrugged and finished the cake. I decided to go talk to Val to see if he was ok.

But before I got to his room I had the same stomach pain.

Me:" Ahhh"
Mattia:" Baby you ok"
Me:' Yea- AHHHHH"
He quickly ran me to the car and we pulled off.

Once we got to the hospital they connected me to this machine. Then put cream on my stomach and started rubbing on it. It was then a screen with a back and white screen with a heart beat.

Me:" No way"
I looked back at Mattia and he looked shocked.
Doc:" Your pregnant"
Me:" How long"
Doc:" A week"

I seen Mattia let a tear slip. He looked at me with tears of joy.
He ran and hugged me while he cried.

Mattia:" I- I can't believe it"
Me:" Me neither"
Mattia:" Imma be a dad"
I smiled at him.
Me:" Your gonna be a great one to"

He smiled and kissed me.
Doc:" Can I take a picture of you guys and Post it on my Facebook y'all just look so cute.

Me:" Yeah sure"
Mattia went down and put his ear to my stomach while I smiled and the doctor took our picture.

Doc:" Thanks, oh and you guys will need to be back next month or if anything goes wrong come in"
Mattia:" Ok"

We both smiled then walked back to the car and drove home. Once we got home I ran to Mars room.

Kobe and Kai were In there

Mar:" What"
Me:" Guess what"
Kai:" What"
Mattia came in smiling. He pulled me by my waist and held my stomach.

Kobe:" No fucking way"
Kai:" Omg"
They all jumped around the room. I looked and seen Val with his head out the door. So I walked up to it and he pulled . me in.

Me:" Val what are you doing"
Val:" If I do this you can't tell alright"
Me:" What"
He stepped closer and was about to kiss me but I stepped back.

Me:" I'm sorry but no"
I walked out the room and back to mine. I can't believe he really tried to kiss me the thought went away when Mattia came in the room.

Mattia:' Hey Mama's"
Me:" Hey "
Mattia:" Ok, now that your pregnant I'm going to baby you"

He walked up to me and took off my shirt.

He turned me around and but oil on my skin. I the felt him messaging my back.

Me:" Mhhhh"
I put my head down on the way to sleep.


After a while Derek fell asleep so I wiped the oil from of his back and cuddled with him. Once he woke up he got on top of me.

Derek:" Baby, I'm horny but I'm not horny"
Me:" How.."
He shrugged.

Derek:"Babe what do you want to do"
Me:" You"
Derek:" You can eat me out if you want"

Me:"All fores"


Well imma bout to watch the BET Awards so see you in a couple hours.

Love you ❤️

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