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Chapter 13: Attention

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Chapter 13: Attention

I was avoiding people left and right.

It was alright for the past few days when people wouldn't notice, but it was getting annoying when people started to talk about it.

It's been a few days since I started to avoid Namjoon, and people were beginning to create rumours about my apparent break-up with Namjoon. I was told by some of my classmates that they thought I was dating Namjoon and asked if we had broken up since we were not seen each other.

It was rumoured that Namjoon was also hanging out with an exchange student from England, Alice, and was seen studying together every second during break time. Hence the rumours started flying out.

"Heeyeol, is it true that Namjoon, your ex-boyfriend is with Alice, the exchange student?" that question yet again.

"The girl is our junior, and she's already famous in our batch?" one of my friends or classmates asked as we were doing study groups.

"I know... the guys were saying she was gorgeous because she was not from here, and her accent makes them swoon," my classmate was snickering.

"I know she even had boys falling for her, and she only had just arrived here for what 5 days? She even got Namjoon wrapped around her fingers," they were making comments.

For all I know, Alice girl might sound nice, but since they are making a big deal out of it.

"She just arrived in a foreign country and doesn't really speak Korean... and Namjoon is the captain of the English club. The teachers might have assigned him," one of them spoke, an intellectual.

A hum of agreement spread into the group.

'What do you think, Heeyeol? I mean, you guys are close, and you were his friend, well, more than just friend type. You should know what happened?"

"I don't know... I'm not even his girlfriend in the first place," told them, and everyone had asked in a monotone voice. It was getting pretty annoying, and the feeling in my gut was punching me whenever I heard Namjoon's name and Alice's together.

To All The Boys I've Loved ✔️Where stories live. Discover now