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i love this cast so much

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i love this cast so much


Four more months went by and no word back from Theo. Liam continued everyday to text or call him even though he never got a response. Semester one was almost over meaning the time Liam had with the older members of the pack was almost up. All of the older members would be spreading out and going to college besides Derek who was back and forth between Beacon Hills and somewhere around the world helping other packs and still making time to visit his boyfriend.

Liam was getting close to giving up at this point. He didn't want to waste his last 4 or 5 months with his friends on someone who wouldn't even respond to his text message but on the other hand, Liam couldn't stop thinking about what Mason and Corey had continued to say about what he was really feeling about Theo. He continued it remind himself that he was straight and Theo was only a friend any time he dared get a thought of Theo and him being more.

At this point he didn't even know why he tried he knew he wasn't going to answer but he still never stopped. So when he woke up this morning he did the same thing he did every morning, text Theo except today was different.


Liam: good morning, today's sunday so i don't have any school thank god. school is fine i guess but sometimes i feel like i am the only one who doesn't understand the work and then with the lacrosse team they don't particularly like me. when's scott around they're pretty normal but when it's just me they aren't as nice. anyways i miss you and maybe you could idk answer me one day. it's been 5 months now, tomorrow actually will mark the official 5th month anniversary of you leaving and me texting you every single day, twice a day with no response. i'm starting to feel really stupid theo. no one else even talks about you anymore i am the only one and i just feel so stupid sitting here everyday waiting for my phone to go off with some magical text from you. if you wanted me to stop then i guess you got what you wanted. i guess i'll just stop bugging you. i guess this is goodbye......

Liam let out a loud sign as he violently slammed his phone on his bed. "Why why why!" "Why did he leave!?" This was the first time in a while that Liam just completely broke down on the ground sobbing. His entire body shaking, tears streaming down his face. He sat there on the ground in the same position for three hours, the only noise besides his sobs was his phone occasionally going off with his friends that would eventually leave him just like Theo did.

He eventually gained enough energy to move from the floor to his bed. He just continued to cry and cry until the only feeling left in his body was the pain in his heart. "God you are so stupid!" Liam flung his phone off of his bed and punched the mattress multiple times. "Why did I ever even think he would want to be my friend! He did not care about him and that week and a half after the hunters when Theo paid a little bit of attention to him was just probably all in his imagination.

Silent tears continued to fall down his face. He laid back on his bed and turned his head just to look at the clock on his nightstand reading 3:36am before he turned back to stare at the ceiling. He missed out on the plans he had with his friends today and he had school soon. He spent the entire day crying and didn't even notice it. "Why do I feel this way!?! What is it with Theo fucking Raeken!?" Liam groaned loudly before getting up. He tried to control his emotions but all the sadness he felt was turning into rage and he punched his mirror and watched it shatter.

Another tear fell down his face just because he was so angry. He made his way downstairs and out of the house before just running. He just kept running and ruining as more and more stupid tears fell down his face. He just ran until the sun came up and he finally collapsed in the middle of the woods. He punched the ground over and over. "I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! Why does he make me feel this way! Why do I have to be in love with Theo Raeken!?" After he let the words slip out of his mouth he couldn't deny it. He was in love with a boy who left Beacon Hills months ago and wouldn't even text him back.


While Liam spent his day sobbing and figuring out his feelings Theo spent the day freaking out. He received a text message earlier in the morning that said the only person he kinda still had was leaving him. He knew that it was his fault but he couldn't ruin Liams life by being in it. A tear slipped through Theo's eye as he read the message over and over again. "Shit!" Theo threw his phone across the room. "Why why why!" Theo knew from when him and Liam took down the Ghost Riders together that he had feelings for the beta but he was with Hayden and was straight.

Theo did not want to ruin Liam. Out of everyone in the world to have feelings for he had to have feelings for Liam, the one person he didn't want to hurt. If he got close to Liam not only would he get hurt but he would hurt Liam. Or worse Theo would give into his feelings and Liam would reject him and he would completely lose him.


The next six days Theo didn't leave his apartment, he didn't go to work, he didn't go get food. He barely even left his bed. He didn't want to. Liam hadn't texted him in days and even though Theo knew it was his fault he still missed him way more that he should. He missed the boy that he loved. The only person in the world that Theo would have 6 months ago even consider saving before him. He loved Liam Dunbar and now he will never be able to see him again because he didn't have the heart to hurt the only person he loved.


Liam spent the last six days sitting in bed crying. He missed the last week of school before winter break. Christmas was in three days and the only time Liam moved from his bed was to pee or grab food while his mom was gone. His friends had stopped by multiple times but he would just say he didn't want to be bothered and they would eventually leave him alone after realizing nothing they did mattered if Liam didn't want to listen.


this chapter was really sad and it hurt writing but at least their emotions are kinda out there

i'm really excited for next chapter because i have a really good idea

let me know if you see any mistakes and please give me feedback

hope you enjoyed

love ya, bye💖

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