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so this chapter is RIGHT after they kissed and they were just casually staring at each other

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so this chapter is RIGHT after they kissed and they were just casually staring at each other

i kind of have a weird idea for this chapter that kinda goes off track but whatever we'll get back to everything next chapter and i might add some drama soon👀 idk tho


Liam was the first to speak up after they're kiss. "So....I...." He didn't really know what to say he was just sitting there smiling at the older boy. "Liam I-" "Theo Liam!? What are you guys doing out here?" It was Lydia, who had probably gotten worried after both boys being gone for going on 30 minutes. "Oh uh Liam felt a little nauseous and needed some fresh air." Lydia bought the lie and the three went inside to finish the movie. Everyone believed the lie that Theo had told Lydia except for Scott. He could smell something different with the two but didn't say anything.

By the time the credits were rolling half the pack were already asleep and the rest were yawning and cuddling up under blankets that Mellissa had given them when she got home.

(okay ik it's annoying to say something in the middle of the actual story but come on melissa is the best mom you can't tell me i'm wrong like I LOVE HER anyways keep reading)

Liam decided he wanted water before bed and got up. He sat on the barstool with his glass. "Hey Liam..." The boy turned around, slightly startled to see Scott up so late. "Oh uh I wanted to talk to you about something." "Uh okay?" Scott sat next to the anxious beta and spoke slowly. "Uh earlier you and Theo were both gone for kind of a long time and when you got back you both..." He took a long breath in. "I don't really know how to put it your guys were just different." Liam froze and his heartbeat became staggered and uneven.

"Uh honestly Scott I don't know what your talking about err there's nothing going on between me and Theo ha." Liam scratched the back of his neck as Scott awkwardly nodded at the boy. "Okay.....well get some sleep Li." "Yeah err see you tomorrow." Liam let out a deep sigh as he went back to drinking his water.


"Theo what are we going to do!?" Theo took a step closer to the flustered boy. "Call down Li everything will be okay." Liam spun around to be face to face with Theo. "You don't know that oh god! Now the entire pack is gonna make a big deal about it and- what is it?" Liam became serious. "What are we?" "Well...." Theo put his hands on Liams hips. "I would like us to be like a couple..." Liams smile grew and he looked at the ground as a blush crept up on his cheeks. "I want that too..." Theo grabbed Liams face. "Liam Dunbar....will you be my boyfriend?" The two boys smiled big goofy smiles at each other. "Yes."

"So now we have the pack...." Theo sighed before answering with a smirk. "I have an idea." Liam looked confused but stayed silent so he could listen to his new boyfriend. "So your pack has this plan to get us together and you should text Mason and tell him some lie like you have a crush on me or something and then the pack will try to get us together and it will be really funny and then after we can tell them that we're already together." Liam paused before answering. "Why not?"

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