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omg look at his smile🥺

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omg look at his smile🥺

also has anyone else noticed that the only time Theo genuinely smiles like that is when he's with Liam🥺


Mason was sitting outside Liams door. The minutes ticking by, they now only had 70 hours and 30 minutes to complete mission Thiam and they were not off to a good start. "Liam please let me in." Mason begged just like he had been for over 2 hours straight. "I don't want to talk to anyone." "God damnit Liam just open up the door. Or unlock it so I can open it. I've been sitting out here for 2 hours Liam." With those words Mason heard the lock clicked on the other side of the door and Mason finally was let in. He silently cheered at this small victory and gave his best friend a hug before he went back into his bed.

Mason took notice of the disgusting room and dirty clothes build up and on the floor by the end of his bed was Liams cell phone. All he needed to do was get his phone. He could grab the phone, shove it in his pocket, go to the bathroom, text himself the number, and come put it back. That was the not so easy plan that Mason came up with in his head while he told Liam that everyone missed him and was wondering what was going on. Mason discreetly put his backpack down next the phone and while Liam was looking at the show playing on his laptop Mason shoved the phone into his pocket. A few minutes passed and Mason made up a lame excuse and went to the bathroom.

He sent Theo's number to himself and when he caught a glimpse into some of the things Liam had said to him it made his eyes weld with tears before he shut Liams phone back off and made it to his bedroom. He put the phone back down and tried to talk with the boy but he wouldn't say much so he ended up leaving pretty quickly. It hurt him to see his best friend like this but he needed to get back to Dereks loft so they could trace the number and try to find Theo.

Part one of Mission Thiam complete with 70 hours left.


The group waited around the loft while Stiles and Lydia continued to try and track the number. They were on the clock with 67 hours left to complete the mission when they finally traced the relative location of the number. A small town 5 hours away. They all groaned at how far away it was and how the fourth part of the plan, getting Theo, would take at least 10 hours, and they still had step 3 to complete which was finding out exactly where he was. They decide to combine these two steps by having Derek do the hacking while they were driving there.

The entire pack was loaded up and ready to leave with 60 hours left. It would take 5 to get there and hopefully by then they would have figured out exactly where he was. The group was split up into different vehicles. Stiles, Derek, Scott, and Lydia were in Stiles Jeep, Stiles driving, Scott in the front, with Lydia and Derek in the back trying to figure out where Theo was and Issac next to them. In Coreys car was him, Mason, Allison, Malia, and Kira.

Derek and Lydia had finally gotten into the security cameras throughout the whole town. They found nothing recent but over a week ago they found footage of him leaving a small coffee shop, it looked like he worked there. He went behind the shop and got into his truck, putting a bag in the cab, which looked to be his work bag. They then had to speed through hours of traffic cam footage, it may have been a small down but there were many different cameras and angles they had to go through.

When they finally found his truck they followed it to a fairly nice apartment complex. They then had to get into the apartment security footage to follow him into the lobby, he says hi to the guy working there. He takes the stairs up to level 4 where he then goes down the hall until he reaches a door that says 4-6b. He unlocks the door with a key and then he hasn't left his apartment since then. By the time they had mapped out where to go they only had 20 minutes left on the road.

Part two of Mission Thiam completed with 55 hours on the clock.


Back at home Liam was not doing too good. He was sitting up against his headboard staring at his closed blinds. He grunted in frustration. "Oh my god! Stop fucking crying! It's fine! Theo is gone! It's fine! It's fine! It's fine! It's fin-" And then came the sobs that raked his body. The undeniable pain in his chest was so strong it felt like some one had most literally stepped on his heart and crushed it. To say that it hurt was an understatement.


They were all outside of the apartments that the security footage led them to. They walked in all together. They got quite a few weird stares, it was weird. A group of teenagers that aren't from this small town randomly coming to these apartments. But they all just kept waking until they got up to Theo's apartment. They knocked once and got no response, again no response. "What the hell? We just watched all of the footage from the last week and he hasn't left once, where is he?" They knocked one more time and heard a voice from inside respond with a coming and one second.

They waited anxiously until a smiling Theo opened the door. His smile immediately turning into an expression between shocked, scared, and worried as his eyes moved from one member of the pack to another, almost like he was looking for someone. "What the hell is going on here?"


the next chapter is going to be so good i swear this part was kinda uneventful just then going to find theo

hope you enjoyed

love ya, bye💖

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