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just look at how he looks at liam🥺

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just look at how he looks at liam🥺


Liam was trying to pull himself together, at least for his family for Christmas and the pack- shit. It just clicked in Liams head how long it's actually been since he's went to a pack meeting, or even saw them all. He was overwhelming himself by just thinking about the pack and how much they probably all hate him now, that overwhelming anxiety soon turned to anger which eventually turned to sadness, causing him once again to just sob. He felt so stupid, so weak. He just couldn't stop feeling like shit, he couldn't stop crying about stupid fucking Theo.

Liam spent the entire time the rest of the group was on their way to Theo sitting in his bed, which isn't a surprise knowing he's been in his bed for over a week but this time it was a little different. This time instead of crying or thinking how many people he's letting down he thought about a plan on what to do for his friends and family during the holidays. He's been doing a pretty sucky job at being a good person and he really wanted to change that.


"What the hell is this?" Was what a very shocked Theo questioned. "Uh are you gonna let us in first?" Was what Stiles contradicted with until Derek spoke up. "Actually we don't have that much time so we might now want to go inside." The all nodded until Scott spoke up. "So long story short is we need you to come back with us to Beacon Hills and we need you to come with us now." "Uh a little explanation would be nice." Mason was the one to take over for Scott. "We need you to come talk to Liam." Theo's entire body tensed up and it didn't go unnoticed.

"Why do you need me to talk to Liam?" His name felt like poison on his lips after trying to forget about the beta. "We don't really know all we know is that for the last 5 months the poor kid has been trying to get a hold of you, said he wanted his friend back and all, until one day he just stopped texting you I guess and he kinda fell off the rockers. He won't even come out of his room." Theo gulped after hearing what Derek said. "I- I don't know what you want me to do about it?" "God damnit Theo why can't you just man the fuck up and fix the problem you made!? You left him after saving his life and forming some sort of connection or whatever with him!" Stiles would have been right in Theo's face by this point if Derek didn't have a firm grasp on his shoulder.

"I still don't see what I can do? Y-You guys don't understand I can't help you with Liam I can't get close to him. I just can't." "And why not?" was all Mason had to say, looking at the boy with anger. "I uh- if I come back to Beacon Hills, or even respond to his messages my... feelings will show through and eventually it'll either end in him not having those same feelings and us both getting hurt, worse than right now, or he'll reciprocate those feelings and I'll eventually ruin it someone. I- either way it won't end well and either way I get hurt and....and Liam gets hurt which will end up hurting me again."

"Listen Theo I don't care. I'm sorry I just can't care when I'm watching my best friend rot away in his room because the guy he has to have feelings for is the one who had to move away. I need you to come help us fix this. If anything just tuck away the feelings, I know how hard that sounds but if it gets him out of his room at least for a little while until we can figure out how to help him then that's all we need." Mason was basically begging at this point. "So you guys just want me to get him out of this slump.....once you guys can help him or whatever I can leave?" "Yes but why the hell do you need to leave all of a sudden?" "How many times do I need to say it!? I'm trying not to hurt anyone! I care about him too much, he's the only person I care about and I can't hurt him and it's selfish but I guess I am because I don't want to get hurt either.....even if it means hating myself for never getting to tell him I love him."


After almost an hour of convincing the group got Theo to come with them, him driving himself in his truck. The 5 hour drive went way to fast for Theo, he was terrified.

Step three of Misson Thiam was complete with 49 hours on the clock.


The group was back in Beacon Hills and they were now planning on what to do. They knew that Theo needed to go talk to Liam but how to go about it was the question. They couldn't just be like 'hey Liam remember that guy you love that you were so heartbroken over you stayed in your room and wouldn't even talk to your best friend.....yeah him well he's right here waiting to talk to you.' That definitely wouldn't work. They decided that they would just send Theo up to Liams room and hope for the best, that's where they were right now; the pack outside while Theo is trying to build up the courage to knock on the betas door. Every time he gets close to actually knocking he puts his hand back down.

He quits he's turning around to tell the pack he can't do it when Liam opens his door with a towel in his hand bumping right into Theo and dropping it. The two lock eyes a freeze. "I-" Theo starts but stops, not knowing what to say. "Theo?" Was all Liam managed to croak out


little bit of a cliffhanger lmao IM SO EXCITED FOR SOME GOOD THIAM CONTENT!!!

hope you enjoyed

love ya, bye💖

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