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Tw: bullying, homophobic people, panic attack .

*Virgil pov*

I woke up to my older brother Remy blasting Bad Romance by Halestorm.

"Get up we have school V."

"Why 98% of what we learn is a waste?"

"Because schools are retarded and we have to go legally. Now up."

"Fine just turn the music off."

"Whatever I will be down stairs."

I got up and I got dressed in high wasted black ripped jeans cropped mcr hoodie. Then I did my make up. I put concealer on my eye bags, foundation to cover my freckles, eyeliner, and lastly a darker nude lipstick. With that I was done. Even if I am insecure the jeans cover my stomach so I should be fine.

I grabbed my bag and walked down stairs.

"Get your coffee Rem we gotta go."


Remy walked towards me holding his iced coffee in hand.

"Let's go V."

We locked the door and walked to school. We were almost there when we saw the popular kids Roman, Logan, Patton, Emily, Jan-us, and Remus. I must have started shaking a little because Remy put his hand on my shoulder.

"Its okay V remember they are my friends they won't hurt you."

"H-how do y-you know t-that?"

"Virgilous Moore I would never be friends with them if I wasn't sure they are nice people. Now let's go to class."

I didn't even notice that we had already made it on campus.

"Right... I'll see you later Rem."

"See you V."

I usually get to school early to avoid people. So it is normal for me to get to class early. I sit in the back in the coner by the window. First bell rang and people were now piling to the room. A few minutes later the late bell rang and a few more students ran in. The teacher arrived a minute or 2 after.


The bell rang and I put my stuff away and I walked quickly to my next class. I was in the hallway looking at the ground when I accidentally bumped into something.

"Sorry." I said as I kept walking.

But suddenly I was yanked back and thrown to the floor. I let out a yelp of pain.

"You should watch were your going fag."

"Mabye you should've moved so I didn't hit you."

My statement received a kick to my side.


I was having a full on panic attack at this point.


The I heard what sounded like people running.

"Hey V breathe in for 7 second."

"Hold for 6."

"Out for 8."

I did as he instructed and started calming down.


I did this for a little bit before I completely relaxed.

"Thanks Rem."

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