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*Logan POV*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 5:00 am as usual. I put on my glasses and got up to do my morning routine. I did the basics brush my teeth and so on. I wore my black dress shirt, dark blue tie, jeans, and lastly my black dress shoes. I slicked back my hair with gel sprayed my cologne. I grabbed my bag, and phone. Then went down stairs. No one was down stairs yet because I wake up the earliest. I put a few brownies in a small Tupperware then put it in my bag. I turned around and jumped seeing Jan standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

I put my hand on my chest feeling my heartbeat slow down. "I was just about to go wake Patton and you up."

"I'm right here." Patton said as he peeked his head out from behind Jan.

"Alright then. We can begin our walk to school."

I walked past them and walked to the door.

"Hey! Wait for us!" I heard Patton say behind me.

I opened the door and waited for them to catch up to me. Once they were out the door I walked out and closed it behind me. Then we walked to school. Even if we could have taken my car.

(Lunch because I don't want to write about dumb classes)

I met Virgil in the library like I said I would. He was at the same table we were at last time.

"Salutations." I said as I sat down in front of him.

"Sup Specs."

I reached into my bag and pulled out the brownies. "I brought the brownies."

I saw his eyes light up a little. "Thanks. That was really..... nice of you."

"Well I told you I would bring you some."

"Hey do you wanna here some of my conspiracy theories?"

"Sure why not."

I could plainly see how excited he was to share his theories.

"Okay so the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 and the subsequent murder of prime suspect Lee Harvey Oswald by night club owner Jack Ruby have spurred numerous conspiracy theories.These include alleged involvement of the CIA, the Mafia, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro, the KGB, or some combination of these entities. The original FBI investigation and Warren Commission report, as well as an alleged "benign CIA cover-up", have led to the claim that the federal government deliberately covered up crucial information in the aftermath of the assassination."


Virgil kept talking about more theories and his opinion about them. Then I give my opinion about it. Virgil was talking about the Illuminati when I remembered what my mom said to tell him. If I don't ask then Jan or Pat will do it. Let's just get it ver with.

"Hey um Virgil?"


"Umm....... okay so my mom wanted my to invite you to dinner tonight." I felt my face heat up. I avoided eye contact with him started panicking and said. "You don't have to go it's fine. They wouldn't stop until I said I would ask. Again you don't have to go it's completely fine if you don't want to-" I was cut off by Virgil sighing.

"Hey chill. I was going to say sure. So no need to freak. Ok?"

"Okay." I looked up at him to see him giving me a soft look.

"Is there anything I should know before I go to the dinner?"

"Well my Jan and Patton are my brothers. We all speak fluent French. My parents are very nosy. Lastly they are big huggers."

"Okay I am cool with all that. I need your address and the time to be there."

"Oh right I will send it to you."


"I'll see you later Lo."

"See you later."

Virgil actually knows French. His elective this year is French class. So he will be able to understand what Logan's family is saying. All of it~

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