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Omg there are a lot of people reading this. This is crazy. Anyway enjoy this chapter.

*Logan Pov*

I just asked Virgil out what do I do now. What would I wear. Where should I take him. Wait I could just ask Jan and Roman for help. Yeah I will do that.

I texted Roman and walked to Jan's room. I nocked on his door.

Jan opened the door,"What's up Lo."

"I need your help with something."

"Okay come on in." He opened the door a little wider so I could enter. I sat down in his chair while he sat down on his bed.

"What do you need help with?"

"Okay so I asked Virgil out-"


"And I don't know where to talk him."


The door opened to reveal Roman in the doorway

"What are you doing here." Jan asked

"I asked him to help me as well." I replied

"Anyway I was going to say that you could maybe take him on a nighttime picnic. You both like astronomy so you guys can look at the stars." Jan finished

"That sounds nice." I thought out loud

"Then you can make a move on him." Roman said in a suggestive tone

I felt my face heat up.

"I can have Patton help make the food and me and Roman can decorate." Jan added

"And I will help you pick out an outfit." Roman said proudly

"Thank you guys."

"Yeah yeah now tell your boyfriend to be ready tomorrow night." Jan said

I walked to my room with Roman following me. I grabbed my phone and texted him.


Hello Virgil

Hey Logan.

I will pick you up at *** tomorrow  for our date. And dress casual.

Okay I am looking forward to it.

Me too.


I finished texting him then looked up at Roman.

"Alright, time to look through your clothes." Roman stated


Roman rummaged through my clothing before finding items he was happy with.

"Okay you are going to wear this, this, and this." He said holding up black suspenders, a dark blue button up, and my black jeans.

"Then you should leave your hair messy to add an interesting aspect. Then wear your black dress shoes."

"Wow thanks Roman."

"Your welcome. Now I gotta go moms making sopes."

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