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*Virgil pov*
(His pov when from the last chapter)

I didn't want him to leave yet so I did the first thing I thought of. I put my arms around his waist and I nuzzled my head into his neck. I could feel all the blush on my face as I did so. He was shocked for a second but then he put his arms around my neck and his check on the top of my head. I felt so..... safe.

I let go of  him, probably a blushing mess. I was looking in his big dark chocolate eyes when I felt him put his hand gently on my cheek. Then he leaned forward and gently kissed me! And I kissed him back. It was so surreal. It was nice, wasn't to long.

He pulled back and looked at my eyes for a few seconds. We both had this small smile. Then his eyes got big. He took his hand off of my cheek and quickly starred at the cement. His face was a dark shade of crimson.

"I um... I'm apologize I should go." He said as he walked to his car.

I felt kind of sad to see him leave. But I waved back at him and went inside. When I walked inside I saw Remy and Emilie sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Awww cute." I said smiling teasingly at them.

Usually Rem would get a dust of blush across his face from embarrassment, but this time he had that look. The look that he knows something.

"Not as cute as you and your boyfriend." He said as he proceeded to show me a picture of me and Logan kissing.

I felt my face burn up again.

"You show that to anyone and I am going to kill you."

"Oh I'm not showing it to anyone..... I am showing it to everyone. I am going to show it to Jan, Re, Pat, Ro, and Logan himself."

"God I hate you so much."

"Yeah, yeah."

I was walking up to my room when I heard Emilie shout,"I think you guys look cute together!"

Help me. I walked into my room, closed the door, and fell asleep on my bed.

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