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*after school*

I walked out side and met up with Rem. We were talking about gossip and random things on the internet when Remy asked.

"So where did you and Logan go during lunch?"

"We went to the library. We talked constellations and psychology."

"Huh... Remus and I thought y'all were making out or something."

I felt my face turn a bright red.

"What no- why would I- why would you think- ugh no we were no making out."

"But you wanted to."

My face turned an even darker shade of red. "N-no I didn't."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"God your so frustrating."

"And proud of it."

When we got back to the house we went to our rooms. I was in my room trying to finish the last 2 paragraphs of my English homework when I got a text from Logan.


Sup Logan.

Have you finished your homework yet?

Almost just finishing the last paragraph to the English Paper.
What about you

Just finished I was going to go down and help my family bake brownies.

Lucky I love brownies

I could bring you tomorrow at school.

Sure that sounds good. How about we meet in the library at lunch?

Sure. That sounds like a good plan.

After I finished my homework I thought about what Rem said. I don't want to kiss him do I?

*Logan POV*

I had just set my phone down on my desk when Jan-us opened my door.

"Come on Patton really wants to bake."


I followed him downstairs to the kitchen where my mom, dad, and Patton were waiting.
(Logan's family originates from France. So they all speak French. And Patton and Jan are his bro's )

"Enfin, cela vous a pris assez de temps." Mom said
-Finally, took you long enough.-

"Oui, nous pouvons faire des brownies maintenant!" Patton stated excitedly
-Yay we can bake brownies now-

(Sitting at the table waiting for the brownies to be done)

"Comment était l'école aujourd'hui les garçons?" Mom asked.
-How was school today boys-

"j'ai passé une bonne journée." Patton replied with a smile.
-I had a good day-

"J'ai aussi passé une bonne journée." I replied.
-I had a good day as well-

"I bet you did."

I gave Jan a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Je t'ai vu te faufiler avec Remy's frère."
-I saw you sneak off with Remy's brother-

"Et? On vient de traîner dans la bibliothèque. Qu'est-ce que cela a à voir avec quoi que ce soit?"
-And? We just hung out in the library. What does that have to do with anything?-

"Remus and Rem think you were making out."

I felt my eyes get big and my face heat up.

"Wha-at? No we talked about constellations and psychology."

"Ooh. Vous aimez les mêmes choses?" Dad questioned.
-You like the same things?-

"Oui..." I replied looking at the table. Face still warm.

"Quel est son prénom?"
-what's his name-


"Il est mignon?" Mom asked raising an eyebrow.
-is he cute-

"Mom!" I said looking at her with wide eyes. Face burning at this point.

"What?! Just wanna know if my future son in-law is cute." She said smiling.


"Logie has a crush." Patton said in a sing-song voice.

"Well is he?" Dad asked excitedly.

"M-maybe." I replied looking down at the table again.

"Tu devrais l'inviter à dîner demain." Dad said happily.
-You should invite him for dinner tomorrow-

"Around you crazy people ya right."

"Please Logie.." Patton said giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Jesus. Alright I will invite him to dinner."


If any of the French is wrong blame google.

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