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* Virgil pov*

I woke up to my alarm and did my routine. Then I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. When I got there I saw Emilie sitting on the couch while Remy was getting his coffee. I walked over and sat next to him on the couch.

"Hey Emilie."

"Oh Hi Virgil."

"The coffee addict finally ask you out?"

He smiled and said "Yeah, wait what do you mean finally."

"You seriously didn't notice. Rem has had a crush on you since the school year started. But was to much of a wuse to ask you out."

"Huh. I had no idea."

"Well he finally did it that's the good thing."

All of a sudden Rem bursting into the room.

"Let's go y'all we have to go to that hell hole we call school." Remy said walking to the door. "Oh and by the way V, I am totally going to show that photo."

I ran after him yelling, "I will destroy all of the coffee in the house if you don't delete that!"

*Emilie pov*

That's my boyfriend and his brother alright.

*Virgil pov*

I chased him all the way to school. Once I caught him he was with his friends.

"Remy Moore. You my brother are dead meat." I said clenching my fists.

"But dear brother I have black mail and you don't." He smirked holding up his phone.

"You sure about that I have known you my entire life. I have so much dirt and embarrassing stories that I could tell your boyfriend."

"Don't you dare." He said with pink dusting his face from embarrassment.

"Fine then give me your phone."

"One sec." he smiled and handed me his phone.

He didn't lock it so I saw that he had just sent it to his friends. Then I heard everyone's phones go off. First Jan-us looked at his phone.

"Logan you sly dog."

"What." He looked at him confused.

"You and Virgil kissed and weren't going to tell me!?" He said happily.

"What- how did you-"

"It was Rem. He sent us a pic of it." Lo gave him a dirty look.

I grabbed his arm and said. "Easy there tiger I will get him back no need for the death look."


I wrote a drarry story with my friend I would like it if you went and checked it out

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