4 Friends

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"Yeah I'm good Rem."


He held out his hand to help me up. I took it and stood up.

"Hey V do you wanna hang with me and my friends?"

I was hesitant but said, "Sure."

"Great follow me."

I followed him to a table in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Hey guys this is Virgil he's my bro. V this is Logan, Roman, Patton, Emilie, Jan-us, and Remus."

"Sup everyone."

I sat down in between Rem and Logan. I was most comfortable sitting next to Logan because we had already talked to one another before. On the other side of Rem sat Emilie.

"Salutations Virgil." Logan said glancing up at me.

"Hey Logan."

I look over Rem and see him holding hands with Emilie.

I lean over and whisper, " Look who finally manned up and asked Emilie out."

He looked at me with pink dusted across his face and whispered, "You are so annoying."

I whispered back, "I know."

Everyone at the table was talking to each other when I got a text.

Salutations Virgil it's Logan.

Hey Logan why are you texting me we are sitting right next to each other?

I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the library with me. I texted you because the others would stop their conversations and ask me questions.

Oh well don't you think they are going to ask more questions if we leave out of nowhere

I thought about that and no one ever really notices that I leave.

Same here. Sure we can hang out in the library.


Logan stood up and started walking out of the cafeteria. I got up and followed him. He was right I glanced back and saw that no one noticed we just left the table. I continued to follow Logan until we got to the library. We entered and there was no one in there except us and the librarian.

"Why hello Logan." The Librarian greeted him.

"Salutations Mrs. Smith." (That's Karen Smith the dumbest person you will ever meet. I'll stop now)

"Hi Virgil I haven't seen you in awhile."

"Yeah. Hi Mrs. Smith."

We sit down at one of the tables in the back corner.

"What books do you like to read Logan."

"I like books about anatomy, psychology, and astronomy."

"Really, I like psychology and astronomy too."

I saw his eyes fill with excitement, "Really what's your favorite constellation?"

"My favorite constellation is Cygnus. What's yours?"

"My favorite is Delphinus."

We talked about different constellations and psychology tricks. It was actually really nice to have someone else to talk to about my interests. Rem never really payed attention when I talked about it with him.

-riiiinnnggg rrriiiiiinnnnggg-

"It was nice to talk to you Logan."

"Yeah it was nice talking with you too Virgil. See you in history."

"Yea see you then."

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