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Tw: Bullying
*Virgil POV*

"I gotta get to class see ya Rem." I got up off the floor and walked to my class.

(Lunch because I hate classes)

I never really go to the cafeteria to get lunch, because I'm not hungry. But this time I actually wanted to eat something. I was just going to get something from the vending machines there. Boy was I going to regret it. I walked past a few tables then I got to a vending machine with chips, cookies, and some other snacks. I was about to put in the code number of the snack when I was pushed aside by someone.

"Damn you couldn't have waited a few seconds for snacks?"

I turn and see who pushed me and all the color drains from my face. Travis Scott.

"You have something else to say Flamer (flamer means obvious homosexual) before I sock you in the face?"

I opened my mouth but then quickly closed it. Look what you did. Oh are you going to get beat now and other similar things were going through my head.

Rem tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hi there Travis you should probably get out of here before I send you to jail."

"What can you do."

Rem pulled out his phone and showed him something. I don't know what it was but it got to Travis.

"Now get out of here before this is sent to the police and the principal. K"

He nodded and ran out the door of the cafeteria.

"You good V?"

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