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"Hey, Mames. Good morning. How are you doing?"

"Hi, dad. I am fine. How is everything going there?"

"A little stressful, but they liked my pieces."

"Of course. You're wonderful and talented, pops."

"Oh ho, okay."

'You know that I am right."

'Thanks, little."

"When will you come back?"

"I wish at the end of next week, honey."

"We can meet. Would you like to?"

"Yes, sure... Hey, darling, have you talked to your mother today?"

"No, not yet. Why? She asked concerned."

"Oh, nothing, Mames. It's okay."

"Ok. Dad, I gotta go. Bye-bye, love you."

"Bye, love you."

Don was worried. He tried to call Maryl all afternoon, but she never answered - maybe she ended up falling asleep after their discussion. But he was concerned... Maybe now she was already up; she always wakes up in the morning, even if to drink water. He called 10 times, no answers. Maybe Roy? Maybe she had an interview or a meeting...

"Hi, big guy. What's up?"

"Hey, Roy. Good morning. Have you talked to Meryl today?"

"Oh, no, man... What happened?"

"Oh, she is not answering her cell phone and I am starting to worry."

"I'll call her and I let you know if she answers me."

"Okay, Roy. Thanks."

"Bye, Donny."


Meryl woke up feeling bad. Her whole body was aching, her head hurts like a bitch. She was wrecked and wasn't even steady enough to get out of the bed. She had drunk the whole bottle of scotch before sleep. It certainly was not pleasant; not the day after. Any sound or light seemed like torture. Her cell phone hang.

"Hi, girl. Thank God! I was about to give up." - Roy said relieved.  

"Oh, hi Roy. Whazup?" - she had no idea about what was going on.   

"Your man wanted to talk to you." 

Oh - Meryl said.

"What?" - Roy didn't understand her tone.

"I have a hangover. I overslept..." - she said vaguely.

"Sleepy, hangover? You are so bad..." - Roy said jokingly as always. 

"Yeah... I feel like shit. I barely can hold my smartphone."

"Ma'am, what did you drink?"

"Just a bottle and half of Scotch." - she made light of the situation. 


"I would be glad if you don't yell. My head hurts." 

"Girl... The night was great, huh?" 

"Oh, you can't imagine..."

"You don't seem ok, darling. Was it that bad?"

"We disagreed, Roy. We had a fight."

"Honey, Want me to go stay with you today?"

"No, thanks, boy. I'll be ok."

"If you need, call me, queen.'

"Ok. Bye."

She went to the bathroom, she needed a good and long shower. Aspirins too...


Don was trying to focus on his piece, but he couldn't. His mind was with Meryl. What did happen? Nobody could talk to her yet and yesterday went too bad. He was so lost that he dropped his sketch, making a mess.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Dear lord! - He hissed.

He was kneeling to clean up and his cellphone rang. It was Meryl? What happened? - He ran to answer. It was Roy.

"Hey, Helland. Is she ok?"

"Oh, hi, calm down, boy. She is alive."

"How is she?" - Don can't hide his concern.

"I won't say she is ok... she was absent and in pain."

"God, what happened?" - Don began to freak out.

"Hey, calm. She has a hangover... she sounds like crap."

"Oh... I fucked up." - He was guilty.

"She told me but assured me everything is under control."

'Well... I'll try to call her."

"Call her. She needs you... and boy, don't allow her to drink a whole bottle of scotch again."

"Holy shit..."


The day was lazy for Meryl. She took a shower, ate, and cuddle in bed until dinner time. She was eating when she heard a ring. Don was calling.

"Yeah?" - She answers snappy.

"ah ... eh ... Mary, I apologize. I really am worried about you and want to know all your feelings. Yesterday I said things without thinking, I did not mean to hurt you, baby. Please, listen to me. This week have been exhausting and stressful - I miss you, I am nervous about my next project, I am stressed. You have nothing to do with it, I know and I am incredibly sorry. I was tired and things got out of control. I sincerely don't like to see you down and I want you to know that I am here for you, babe. Please."

"Don..."- She began to say, but couldn't find her voice; she wanted to cry, she wanted to be hugged.

"Hey, it is ok. Let it out, cry."

She began to cry and it seemed like an eternity, but Don stayed with her.

"I love you, Don. I am sensitive and don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I am sorry for being a pain in the butt. She was much calmer."

"Darl, I love you and I am here for you. I am the shoulder you can cry on. Believe me, you can open up."

"I know. Sorry."

"Nothing to apologize. I love you so much."

"I love you."

"Tell me about today. Have you eaten?"

"Yes, darl. Tell me about things in Japan."

They talked until Meryl fell asleep. Things were alright again. 


Hey, guys! I don't know if it was good, but I'll keep trying. 

Tell me what you think! 

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