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Hi, guys. I'm sorry for taking so long to update but things have been crazy lately. I'm sorry, I really am. I'll try to update more often. Thank you all for waiting, reading, and voting! 


Trigger warning: suicidal thoughts, self-harm. 

I wanna say that you're important. Sometimes we feel hopeless and everything goes wrong, but you are special. It's ok not to be ok. I know it's fucking hard... but you're not alone. If you need, aks for help.  

(please, if you can, let the number of your national crisis hotline on the comments section)



Don got into Salisbury's house quickly. He wanted to know where his wife was. They had to talk about everything. He was feeling a jerk. Sandy went with him but stayed in the living room. Don looked after her around the house, but she wasn't there, he couldn't find her.


How dare he? She was needing his help and he was with someone else,  better, he was with Sandy! How dare he! Meryl asked herself. She was sitting alone in a bar; thank God nobody noticed her. She was numb. She loves her family, her husband, but right now she can't feel special, she can't love herself. She feels a horrible human being, selfish, who doesn't deserve all the love she receives. She's an asshole and ruins everything. Vodka was the answer to her anguish. If she could, she would remove herself from the world. Her life was a mess and she couldn't take it anymore. She paid her bill and walked to her home.

When the got into the house, she couldn't believe the scene in front of her. Don sitting on the couch and Sandy beside him.

"I can't believe that! What the fuck? You have to be kidding me!" - Meryl wobbled over him accusingly.

"whoa, whoa. Thank God you're here" - Don stood up and held her, who almost fell.

"Leave me alone, Don. Leave me alone" - she struggled to get off his arms.

"Hey, listen to me" - Don said, shaking her shoulders. He looked up at Sandy and she waved goodbye. Don looked back to Meryl. "Please, I need you to calm down"

"Get out of here, get out. Leave me alone, leave me alone" - Meryl said hysterically and pushed Don. "What do you want here? Why? Why is she with you?"

"Calm down. She's not here anymore. We need to talk, darl. We need to talk about what's happening in our lives" - Don was worried about her. She was out of herself.

"I don't. I don't wanna. Leave me, please" - she was breaking down by that time.

"I can't leave you alone" - he tried to hug her, but she walked away and locked herself in the bedroom. He thought it was better to leave her alone for some time, then.


One hour later was still crying in her bed. Now, Don was worried sick about her.

"Darling, darl, open the door, please. Please, babe" - noting

"Babe, let me hold you, let me hear you. Let's talk. Open the door, please" - don was frustrated. "Ok, I'll go downstairs if you said something. Let me hear your voice, please. Say something, darling"

"I wanna be alone" - Meryl answered him. With that, he walked away.

Meryl got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. She needed to splash some water on her face. It was when she saw some of her sleeping pills and took one. She needed to calm down and relax. After taking the pill, she decided to put on something more comfortable. She was planning on taking a nap or whatever it makes her forget that horrible day; so it was what she did. Well, almost. 

She was trying to sleep but couldn't and it was annoying her, making her crazy. The first thing that came to her mind was taking another pill, and she did so. She took one pill, then two, three, four, five... She was so calm, it was a balm. She was feeling relaxed, good, even happy now. Her life was fine. 

The door opened, Meryl unlocked herself and went downstairs. The house was empty, cold, dark. No one was there. Suddenly her mood changed and the sadness took over her. The bottle of wine was the first thing she saw, then it was her first and best friend. Why not? She grabbed the bottle, but in the process, she dropped one glass. 

"Shit!" - Meryl was about to clean up that mess but she felt dizzy. "Whatever" - she walked away with the bottle and went to the lake. 

Meryl was in the hammock, drinking from the bottle. If she could, she would disappear right now and then. 


Don was in the guestroom, trying to not make himself crazy and not worry so much about his wife, but it wasn't working. He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a crash. Immediately he got out of the room and went after the sound. His concern was raised when he saw that Meryl had opened the door if the bedroom, and she wasn't there. Downstairs, Don saw that broken glass, and his heart sunk. Where the hell is Meryl?  


The bottle was empty and Meryl was apathetic. She was feeling lifeless and hopeless. Her body was numb, she was dizzy and bewildered. She just wanted to go back to her bed. With shaken legs, she stood up and began to walk around the lake.  


Don heard a plop and ran as fast as he could to the outside of the house. 


Meryl fell into the lake and was drowning. Everything went black.


Don was in the ambulance with his unconscious wife. He didn't know what to do and could only hope for her life.  


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