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Don stayed with her that day, but he needed to go to New York.

"Darl, wanna go with me?" - Don asked Meryl.

"No, darling. I'm fine. I'll do something special for dinner today." - she said from the kitchen.

"Ok, darl. I'll go after breakfast"

"Don't forget to bring us some wine" - she winked.


Don was on his way to New York. That was the first time he really could think about what had happened in the last days. He was worried about his wife and intrigued by the messages on her cellphone. Ok, let's focus on the present moment. He drove to the city.

Already in NY, Don ran some errands and then went to their apartment. After taking some of their things, he decided to check the mail. There were bills, but what caught his attention were letters to his wife; he thought it strange because it was unlike someone to address her by Streep. He knew he couldn't open those letters, however, his anguish spoke louder, then he opened it. 

"Dear Meryl, 

It seems like your handsome man found a better lover... Anyway, soon everybody will know who you are, the big old, fat, slut. They'll get rid of you.


Don was in shock, he had several questions: they who? what does that shit mean?". He didn't have the answers... "I have to find out who is sending Meryl this". He has to find out whoever it is. Their lawyer could help him with it, then came to Don's mind the idea of calling him. Although, he couldn't find his cellphone. He felt frustrated because he needed to do that call, also he was pretty sure that it was the same person who had sent Meryl the messages, which he saw on her cellphone, and those letters.


Meryl was in the kitchen when Don's cellphone rang. First, she thought it was hers, though quickly she saw it wasn't; it was Don's cellphone. "God, that man!", she shook her head and walked to pick up the phone. The sound stopped before she could answer the call, so she looked at the screen to see who was calling her husband. As soon as she read the name "Sandy", her blog boiled; and even more, when she saw some messages popping up. 

"Hey, Don. Call me back, please. We need to talk about that day."

"I know we were drunk and out of our mind, but I can't erase that image; it can't get out of my mind."

Meryl was on the verge of murdering someone. What the hell was she talking about? What? Don said they only kissed, and Sandy wasn't like she was talking about a kiss... Meryl wanted to kill them, what the fuck. "Ok, let's not jump to conclusions". Meryl tried a mantra, but her day was ruined by now; she didn't wanna cook anymore; she lost her good vibe. After some minutes of reflection, Meryl put the cellphone down and went back to the kitchen.  

Don was driving back to Salisbury because there was nothing he could do without his cellphone. He had to figure out a way to talk to Meryl about everything. Well, but he had to focus on their dinner; his wife had said she would do something special, then he wouldn't ruin it.

As soon as Don got into the house, he went after Meryl, who was in the kitchen, making the table.

"Hi, gorgeous" - he kissed her, but she kept it short, and he didn't understand why. "How was your day?"

"Fine. Let's eat. I didn't cook all the stuff I was planning to, but it's ok" - she said coldly, which was noticed by Don.

"Don't worry, darl. I'm sure it's delicious as always"

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