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After lunch, Meryl went with Don to his studio. That place was a mess, but she just sat on a chair since he hates when she decides to clean up his stuff. They decided to go for ice cream after taking Sandy's stuff to her. 

"Don, are you sure you don't wanna me to help?" - she was sitting next to the window while he was cleaning his table and his brushes. 

"I am, darl. It's fine and I'm almost done" - he put his paint-brushes in the case. 

"I like this portrait here" - Meryl pointed at it. 

"It's Sandy's. She was amazing, isn't she?" - Don looked at Meryl and she just nodded. 

"Darl, I'm done. Let's go" - he picked up the stuff. 

"Let's go" - she stood up. 


Don and Meryl arrived at Sandy's in time. He was already authorized to go to Sandy's apartment, so they did not have to ask the doorkeeper for permission; they only complimented each other. 

"Darl, do you want me to wait here?" - Meryl asked Don. Maybe Sandy wouldn't like her presence there since she called Don. 

"Not, darl. Come on" - they headed to the apartment. 

At the door, Don rang the doorbell. A few minutes later, Sandy opened the door. t first she felt confused about Meryl, what was she doing there?. "Good afternoon, Don. Hi, Meryl" - he tried to smile and stepped aside for them to get into the house. "Please, come in". Meryl smiled at her and nodded so did Don. 

"What a lovely place!" - Meryl said as they entered the room. 

"Thanks" - Sandy said thankfully and sat down in her armchair. "Guys, sit down" 

"Well, how are you?" - Meryl asked as she and Don sat on the couch next to Sandy. 

"My ankle is hurting, but I put some ice and it's better than it was" - Sandy replied.

"Hope you feel better soon" - Don said and held the bag with Sandy's stuff. "where can I put this, Sandy?" 

"Please, leave it on the table" - that room was not the best place to be; Meryl couldn't say anything, she did not know what to say, and Don was uncomfortable. "If you guys wanna something, please make yourself comfortable to" 

"Oh, thanks" - Meryl said. 

"Don, I was thinking about painting something inspired by Japan. What do you think?" -Sandy turned to Don, who was already back on the couch. 

"Great idea! That place is beautiful, I have no words. Do it!" - Don was really interested. 

"I love oriental art. Did you go to Tokyo Nacional Museum? I have some ideas based on things I saw there" - Sandy talked to him.

"Yes! I did. I met some friends and we went to the museum. It was incredible" - Don and Sandy began to talk about Japan an art, Meryl just felt displaced and deep down she also was jealous. 

30 minutes later, Meryl decided to enjoy the conversation but to end it, after all, she and Don were supposed to spend the day together. 

"I'm sorry, Sandy, but Don I think we need to go, no?" - she said gently and smiled at Sandy. 

"Oh, yeah, baby. I forgot about the time, sorry" - he turned to Meryl before turning to Sandy. "Sandy, it was a great time, but we need to go".

"No worries, Don. We had a wonderful conversation!" - Don and Meryl got up and kissed Sandy goodbye. 


Don and Meryl were walking around Central Park, chatting, and enjoying an ice cream. They love spending time together, without worries or work; just she and he. 

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