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Meryl woke up in her husband's arms, feeling peaceful. He was laying beside her, her arms around her waist forming a protective cocoon. He was relaxed in his sleep, and she didn't wanna wake him, so she just moved her head to be able to see his face. She smiled - there's no place she rater be; he was the most secure place for her. All her insecurities and bad feeling vanished - there's no room for sadness, no more. He was finally there. She stayed there, looking at him, a few minutes.

He began to wake up and the first thing he could see was the beautiful face of his wife - he smiled. - "Hey, pretty woman"

"Morning, darl. Slept well?" - she smiled and kissed his cheek.

" Yes, babe. Amazingly. I haven't slept so well in weeks." - he stroked her cheeks admirably.

"I love you so much" - she was so in love and happy that she couldn't stop smiling. They hugged for minutes, both of them wanting to freeze that moment.

"Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the pictures..." - she sang as they broke apart.

" I love your voice" - he kissed her neck, not wanting to let her go.

" I think you're charming, boy" - she shook her head at him. "Babe, I'll take a shower. Let me go" - She stood up, grabbing her robe. He staid in bed admiring her while she was walking into the bathroom.


"I made you some toast, darl" - Meryl said as Don entered the kitchen.

"Hmm, my favorites ones! Thanks, babe" - He sat next to her on the kitchen chair.

"Tell me, now, about Japan, darling. Did everything go well?" - she was interested. They didn't talk much about his travel.

"It was great. Honestly, I had moments of stress, though it was ok. They liked my art and invited me to come back for an exhibition. I met some friends there" - he took a sip of his coffee and buttered his toast.

"Oh my God, are you gonna do an exhibition? When?" - she ate her toast and looked at him enthusiastically.

"Sort of. They'll do it with pieces of a group of artists; I was asked to enjoy it. The group is formed, but I don't know everyone yet. We all will meet here in the US before going to Japan. Only the event will be there; we'll work here."

"Darl, I'm so proud of you, you are the best!" - she sneezed his hand and kissed it.

" We'll start soon, in two weeks." - he was excited because he loves what he does. "Hmm, honey, thank you for the toast. I missed this"

"My pleasure" - she winked.

"And what about you?"

"I have some promotional thing for Julie and Julia, but I'm tired" - she chuckled and drunk some tea.

"I can see another award..." - he smirked and she blushed. "You have to see your talent, cutie" - he put his right hand over hers and looked straight at her eyes.

"Always supporting me... I don't know what I would do without you..." - she said.

"You are amazing, darl." - he kissed her hand and decided to change the subject. "Hey, Mamie called me last week and we agreed to meet. I was thinking that we can ask her to dinner with us this week. What do you think?"

"I loved the idea! We can do it on Tuesday."

"Yeap. I'll call her later"


Meryl and Don spent the rest of the day cuddling, talking, and loving each other. They ate, called their children, watched some TV, talked about his project and her expectations about her movie. They also confirmed the dinner with Mamie and found out that Gracie would come back to the country to enjoy a new theatrical group in NY.

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