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Hi! I appreciate all the comments and views. It means a lot to me. I'm having a hard time, so it may take a little longer for me to update. 

Trigger: self-harm
(Please, this is just a fictional thing)

**If you're not ok, ask for help. You're special, so don't hurt yourself. You do not deserve to be hurt.**


Meryl was crying so hard that was becoming dangerous to drive. She wanted to disappear, to wake up from that nightmare. She was going to her peaceful place with her hammock and lake. She was feeling hurt, and that time she hadn't blamed anyone but herself. She was not enough, at least it was how she felt. Luckily, she arrived safely at home; even she didn't know how she made it. As soon as she stepped into the house, she collapsed on the floor, crying. Meryl always knew her worth, however, the world was consuming her, as it could sometimes. She had started to overthink and now it hit her.  

The emptiness of that house did make Meryl feel more depressed and lonely, lost. Her only friend was alcohol and cigarettes. Eating was another thing too. She didn't know what to do, she didn't wanna think about anything, she wanted to escape reality and forget who she was. Drinking was the solution. 


Don was worried sick; Meryl had left for hours and she wasn't answering her cellphone. He did know he did a mistake, and to make matters worse, his wife was vulnerable. She hadn't been well for weeks and nothing changed. He tried several times to call her, but no response, so he tried one of the kids. Without saying anything, he called their children, but, unfortunately, none of them knew about their mother. Roy? didn't either. Don wasn't sure about what happened, she had gone by car, then she couldn't be too far away from New York. He decided to wait she answering the phone calls.


Her cellphone was ringing nonstop, but she wouldn't answer, she didn't know how to face Don, she was confused about her feelings: she was feeling mad at him and guilty at the same time. She needed a break from everything. She needed hours of sleep. The phone rang one more time; it was Mammie.

"Hi, sweetheart" - Meryl pretended to be ok

"Mom, are you ok? Are you crying? Dad called me asking about you" - Mammie said.

"Oh, baby. I'm ok, sweetie. Neither you nor your dad has to worry. I'm really fine, just need a nap" - Meryl tried her best to play well.

"If you're saying, ok" - Mammie said unsurely

As soon as the call ended, Meryl called  Roy.

"Roy?" - she asked.

"Hi, darling! Where are you? Don is so concerned"

"I just call you to say I'm fine. Tell Don I'm ok, I'm safe. Please." - Meryl didn't want to say anything more.

"Wanna talk?" - Roy said hesitantly

"No, Roy. Thank you, but I need to sleep. Bye, darling" - Meryl didn't wait for his answer, she hung up.

She sat on the bed, dejected and drunk. She wanted to forget her existence, so she drunk. All night, until her body couldn't take it.


Don calmed down, knowing that his wife was safe, but he couldn't control himself and sleep - he wanted to know her whereabouts, which Roy hadn't told him. He laid down, waiting for the sun.


Meryl woke up throwing up, and her whole body aching. She was feeling like shit. Besides her state, she was alone. She laid her head on the toilet, wanting to disappear. Somehow she stood herself up and walked to the shower cabin. She took a shower and went downstairs to make breakfast. She was missing Don but wanted to erase what had happened the day before. Instead of food, she ended up drinking at breakfast time. Nothing else matters. She reached for her cellphone and saw that Don had called her earlier, however, she wouldn't call him back.

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