Chapter 1: Closing Shift

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I was born with two different colored eyes. Neutral green on my left and sky blue on my right. I was the height of 5 feet and 7 inches and had a grey ombre dyed hair as the grey was on the bottom half of my hair which reached a bit below my shoulders. I went to a private school since I did have the money for it and lived in a very large apartment. I worked at a cafe which was located downtown. My parents were always traveling all over the world, so they would never come to visit me much. Although it did not bother me that much considering that I was 19. Since I was a child, my father made me take a training course for survival which had included lots of ways to fight off anyone. It was harsh, but I got used to it as I grew up. 

"See ya tomorrow Jade," I said as she locked up the cafe and walked the other way. 

"Bye Sara!" she shouts from afar. I pulled my bag over my shoulder and walked back to my apartment. The colored lights flashed from all over. I looked ahead and saw a bunch of citizens waiting to walk to the other side. It was too crowded and I wanted it to be silent as I walked back. I pulled my wireless earbuds out and put them into my ears playing a song. I put my phone in my jacket and zipped up the pocket. I decided to take the shortcut down an alleyway. There's probably no one here unless they're thugs. I proceeded to walk down the alleyway. I bob my head to the beat of the music. I walked further down and noticed the splatters of dried blood. I hear a murderous laugh then quickening footsteps behind me. I turn around to see a psychopathic man running towards me with a large weapon. 

"You should've never walked down this way!" he screams getting closer to me. I kick his weapon away as he watched it. I kicked him against the wall then continued walking. I bob my head to the music again feeling relaxed.

"You bitch!" I heard from behind me. I turned back to see he was going to do the same attack, so I also did the same attack and continued walking. This man is wasting my time. I hear a swing. He must've thrown his weapon. I stopped and watched his weapon land in front of me. I walked over it casually.

"How the hell are you so good at this!?" he screams. He ran to get his weapon then noticed that I had disappeared from the alleyway. 

That was a weird guy. He's no thug for sure. Maybe I should report him, but he also could've just left that place. I looked at my phone and checked the news to figure out that a man had just broken away from prison. I took a closer look at the photo and had noticed that the man I just encounter looked like him. 

"Whatever," I mumbled shoving my phone back into my pocket. 

Isaac "Zack" Foster X OCWhere stories live. Discover now