Chapter 8: School Morning

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"Zack? You're awake?" I asked wiping my tears.

"Hell yeah I am, why are you fucking crying?" he asks walking towards me.

"It's nothing, my eyes felt dry," I said still tearing up. He put his scythe down and pulled me into his arms.

"I hate goddamn liars," he replied rubbing my back. I bit my lip and cried into his chest.

"I guess I should tell you about me...just a little bit more about myself," I looked up at him as he smiled a bit nodding.

"Let's go to the couch and chat then," he said. I took off my skates as we made our way to the couch. I grab a water bottle and sit down looking at him. I took a deep breath and started explaining. He listened carefully and gulped down his soda. 

"Damn, sounds like the parents you get with all of this money," he said. I nodded.

"It's hard to express such immature emotions,"

"The hell? Immature? They're just emotions! Human, emotions," he smiled. I looked up at him surprised.

"Stop acting like their robot and get your human self back," He placed his hand on my head and gently pat me. "I do whatever the hell I want, you should too. It's your life, isn't it?"

I nodded. I checked the time and got up.

"I have to get ready for school," I said. He nodded and turned on the tv. I walked back upstairs into my room and started changing into my school uniform. I put on my backpack and ran downstairs as Robert has finished making me my chocolate chips pancakes. I sat down and ate. Robert went over to Zack and bowed.

"I made you a stack as well," Robert said.

"Weird old man," Zack said. "Thanks anyway," 

Zack got up from the couch and sat to eat with me. He aggressively stabs his pancakes and chomps it down piece by piece. I looked at my phone and noticed all of the pictures, videos, and news about the party. Everyone was basically partying hard and the majority are probably going to wake up sick today. Zack leaned over and saw the posts.

"Damn, I wonder if they'll even be able to win your school game tomorrow," he said.

"Lots of my classmates made bets that we'd win, so if we lost. It's going to a hell fest at our school for the team," I said looking up at him. "I'll be at work after school, just so you two know,"

"Closing shift?" Zack wondered. I nodded. He grins looking at me.

"If you're just going to wait in that alleyway, then I'll walk past it. I usually do anyway," I said getting up. He pouts a bit. "Don't think of killing anyone that I know of or else,"

"Or else what?" he says smirking lifting an eyebrow.

"I annoy you to death," I answered putting on my shoes. Robert and Zack walked over to see me off. I smiled. "See you two later," 

I hugged Robert then kissed Zack's cheek goodbye. They both looked at me dumbfounded as I laughed leaving. 

Isaac "Zack" Foster X OCWhere stories live. Discover now