Chapter 11: Learning Basics

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I got home and caught Zack napping on the couch. Hmm? This is new. I walked over and smiled watching him sleep peacefully. I sat on the floor and touched the side of his face. He felt my touch and smiled feeling my hand. His hand touched mine and he slowly woke up flinching a bit. 

"How long have you been watching me!?" he shouts.

"Probably only three minutes," I answered. He sat up scratching his head as I sat on the couch. I poked his arm. "You seemed really happy when I touched you,"

"Like hell you did! What if it was just my goddamn dream!?" he asked. I hugged his arm.

"My school questioned me about Brad and their theory is a murderer killed him," 

"Wow, what a smart school,"

I got onto his lap and hugged him tightly.

"We're going to make sure that you learn how to write and read," I said.

"Why the hell should I learn those useless things?" he says looking at me.

"Even kids know how to do that, you're basically an infant reading and writing level," I stated as he got angry. I kissed him.

"MMM!" he muffled. I looked at him as he looked away. "Fine! I'll fucking learn those damn things!"

I laughed and nod. He looks back at me.

"Y-You can kiss me more if you want," he says angrily. I lean back as we kissed again. 

"Do you want to use tongue?" I asked. He raises an eyebrow.

"How the hell do you do that?" he questions. 

"I'll show you and you'll understand how it works," 

He opens his mouth a little unsure of what to do. I lean back in and explore his mouth as he copies me feeling a bit shy and embarrassed. We continued our heated makeout session then I pulled back looking at him breathing a bit heavily.

"Well fuck," he said. 

"That was a nice session," I said smiling. 

"Maybe we can do some more in your room," he teased. I smack his chest gently as he laughed at me. I got off before Robert caught us together and dragged him to my room. He followed and grabbed his scythe. "W-Wait! Are you serious!?"

"I'm going to teach you how to write and read you dummy," I said. 

"Ohh, what a sad blow," he said disappointed. 

"Maybe we can have a little bit of fun if you're good," 

"What am I? A little fucking boy?"

"You're acting like one,"

He grunted a bit angrily. I brought him onto my room and showed him a glass table with some comfy chairs. I pulled out a projector and started teaching him the basics.

"This is so stupid!" Zack shouts slamming his fist onto the table.

"Zack, keep learning," I said. "That's rude to interrupt someone,"

He glared at me. I pointed at a word.

"What word is that?" I asked.

"Hmph. Advice," he says. I continued asking him what word it was while pointing to new words to him. He rested his chin on his palm bored.

So I decided to spice it up a bit for him...

Isaac "Zack" Foster X OCWhere stories live. Discover now