Chapter 9: Rejection Note

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I was greeted by Brad as he was touching his forehead.

"Did you party too hard?" I asked him. He nods laughing.

"It was pretty worth it," he replied. I sighed and rolled my eyes a bit. We walked to class together as everyone was talking about the party.

"Sara! You should've came!"

"Yeah! Why didn't you come!?"

"You missed out!"

I just sat down at my seat. It was at the left bottom row near the window. The bell rang as we started class, the teacher started teaching us. I was jotting down notes and heard a soft tap. I thought it was nothing, so I continued. I heard it again then looked over at the window to see Zack smiling and waving at me. My eyes widened then I looked at the teacher. I wrote down on another piece of paper.

"Why are you here?"

He looked at the paper then mouthed the words, "I was bored"

I squinted my eyes at him. He winked and gave me a thumbs up.

"Sara?" the teacher said. I stood up. 


"Please read us the next passage," 

I nodded and picked up my book starting to read. I took a quick glance and noticed that he was gone. I sat down when finished and started taking notes about the book. I looked at the window again and he was there.

"Your class seems so boring," he mouthed. I smiled and rolled my eyes. I continued class as Zack was there to entertain me making sure to not get caught. When the bell rang for lunch, we all got up and headed to the cafeteria decorated in candles and fancy tablecloths. I grabbed a big silver platter with a lobster on it and walked to the girl's bathroom. I told Zack that I'd meet him there. I locked the door and looked at him.

"Well DAMN! This is so fucking rich! The bathrooms are even so royal looking! W-...Is that fucking lobster!?" he shouts. 

"Shhh, or else we'll get caught. You can have some," I said giving him a piece of meat. He took it and dipped it in the sauce. "If you wanted anything, just ask Robert,"

He was still eating the lobster. 

"Just be careful not to get caught," I said.

"Yeah yeah, don't you think I already fucking know that?" he responded. He grabbed a piece of meat and put it to my mouth. "It's lunch, eat,"

I opened my mouth and start chewing as he watched me. 

"You didn't come here to kill my classmates, right?" I asked.

"No, I came here" he said looking away. I smiled and laughed as he looked back. "What's so funny? I got bored and came to see you. There's nothing funny about that," 

"Your answer just really surprised me," I answered. We were lucky that no one bothered to come into this bathroom. I heard the bell ring and got up. "I have to go back, don't get into too much trouble,"

"Tsh!" he rolls his eyes as I wash my hands then exit the bathroom going back to the classroom early. I saw a note on my desk and opened it.

"Do you want to go out? Brad~" 

Mmm, awkward. I remember that no one's ever rejected Brad. He is one of the most known students out of everyone. I wrote down no and placed it on his desk. I went back to my desk and started reading ahead of the lesson and finishing up my homework quickly. 

When school was finally over, I walked over to my workplace. Brad wasn't with me this time. Maybe it's cause I said no. I shrugged it off then went to the cafe and threw my apron on.

"Hey!" Cody and Jade waved smiling as I smiled back. Cody gave me my keys back.

"Thanks again! I'm so sorry Sara-san!!!!" he said.

"It's alright, as long as you made it home," I responded back as we started our usual closing shifts at work. Hours had passed as I heard some guys come into the cafe. Cody went to the register to take their order.

"Hi! How may I help you?" Cody asks.

"Can we get Sara to take our order?" someone said. It was Brad's voice. His friends were laughing a bit.

"Hm? I don't think Sara is here, she left a couple of hours ago," Cody stated trying to save me. I sighed of relief hiding in the crew room. The guys started laughing at Brad as they exited quickly. Cody went to the crew room to check on me. "Sorry, they looked like they have good intentions,"

"It's alright. Thanks for saving me Cody," I replied.

"Mind telling me what's going on?" Jade enters. I explained to them about the note. "Maybe he's being a bit childish that he got rejected," 

"Maybe, he has always gotten his way," I responded. Jade and Cody rubbed my back as I smiled. "Thank goodness I have such great people like you two,"

We all started working again until it was time to close. I locked down the cafe as Jade and Cody get into their vehicles. I looked.

"Cody? Where's my motorcycle?" I asked.

"Oh! I might've dropped it at your place! Please don't be mad Sara-san!" he said.

"It's alright, I'll just walk home," I stated waving them bye and walking. I walked and heard some voices down that same alleyway that I met Zack at. I decided to walk that way wondering what was there. Someone grabbed my wrist laughing. It was one of Brad's friends. Another one grabbed my other wrist and pinned me against the building wall. I looked and saw Brad walking towards me. He held up the note and ripped it.

"N...o? No? NO?!?" Brad shouts punching the wall as his fist was close to my neck. "I treated you so fucking well and this is what I get?"

"I never said you had to treat me well," I stated. "You did that all by yourself,"

"Yo, dude. If she would've came to the party yesterday, we could've drugged her or something for your pleasure," one of his friends claimed. Brad punched him frustrated over getting rejected. 

"Well well," someone said walking out of the darkness. Oh boy, he's here. "Looks like you guys are mistreating her," Zack says laughing crazily with his scythe behind him. 

"W-Who the hell are you!?" Brad shouts. Zack continues walking forward. 

"Should I tell him, Sara? That I'm your BOYFRIEND?" Zack says all cocky. Brad's eyes widened as Zack grips won't his scythe. "YOU ALL HAVE 3 SECONDS TO RUN! 1..."

They all started running. Zack finished counting to 3 and ran towards them. He easily slices them into pieces as I watched. I watched Brad hold his hand out for me to help him. He was screaming trying to apologize. Zack found it entertaining before Brad took his last breath. Zack laughed then stopped walking back to me. 

"Let's go home," I said hugging his arm.

"H-hey! Don't tou-"

I hug his arm tighter. He feels it looking at me.

"Yeah, let's go home,"

Isaac "Zack" Foster X OCWhere stories live. Discover now