Chapter 13/heart of ice

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The class has been going on for ten minutes now. I don't get a single thing. Chemistry, paired with Aarib sitting behind me is making my head spin. I'm surprised how I haven't passed out already.

Someone pokes me from behind.

It takes a second to remember it is Aarib. I almost puke out of nervousness when he throws a crumbled piece of paper at me. It hits the desk and falls on the ground.

I gulp nervously.

Swallowing my anxiety, I make sure the teacher is busy doing something and then bend down slowly to pick up the ball of paper. My heart crazily hammers in my chest, almost wanting to break through my chest and hit the boy sitting behind me with full force for giving me such a hard time.

I unfold the crumbles of the paper and read the few lines written there in red.

Need to talk. Meet me in the parking lot during lunch. Please come, it's a matter of life and death. Literally.

My breath hitches in my throat. Life and death situation? He better be kidding me! Just when I finally decide to get happy, he gives me another reason to worry about.

I shove the paper in my bag and command myself to focus on what's the teaching is teaching. Seriously, do I really think I could understand organic chemistry on my own? I don't know if I know this, but chemistry is where I hardly understand even what the teacher says.

Wish nudges me with a book. I peer at her, and when I do so, from my peripheral I also see Aarib. I know he's looking at me, but I don't. I keep my focus and attention on Wish, who is currently giving me that raised brow. Meaning, she's suspicious of something. Meaning. . .she saw the note.

Later, I mouth to her, but she still doesn't seem convinced and dares a glance at Aarib with a dark look. Wish doesn't like Aarib at all. I don't know what or if he did anything to deserve Wish's hatred, but it was clearly there.

When the bell to the end of chemistry period rang, I ran out of the classroom without even saying bye to Wish. I needed to get away from Aarib. It's like he is polluting me. And I feel like I am letting him.

Lunch period is here now. My anxiety is also knocking on the door. My confidence just left.

I feel vulnerable.

Standing beside my locker, I type a quick text to Wish and Zoha, telling them I won't be able to join them today, and begin walking towards the parking lot. My heart is thumping too hard. Too loud in my ears. Somehow I have this feeling that whatever he has to say, it is in fact a very serious thing. Just a gut feeling.

My eyes squint against the harsh sun light. I cup a hand over my eyes to see clearly around the lot, and after looking for a few seconds, I find a boy in a black leather jacket leaning against a familiar BMW. Although his back is towards me, I know it's Aarib.

And he is lighting a cigarette. Super. If that doesn't scream DANGEROUS then I don't know what does.

Sucking in a sharp breath, I march towards the BMW, my boots making little to no noise, or maybe my thundering heart is all I hear right now, because Aarib straightens up and spins around, finding me. I keep a few feet of distance between us and fold my arms against my chest, planting my feet firmly on the ground.


He chuckles darkly. I hadn't noticed before, but his nose has completely healed now, for which I am very grateful.

"Selam, Haya. How are you?" he asks like a gentleman. Is he pretending? Doesn't seem so.

I give him a skeptical look. "Walaikumsalam. I am good Allhamdullilah. You?"

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