(1) First met you

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"I'm thinking of dye-ing my hair" Taeyong said, his head stood still as stylist did his makeup.

"That would be a pretty good idea, but maybe for next week's shoot." She replied, putting on lip gloss on the male's lips.

"Next week?"

"Mr. Park didn't tell you? You're doing a photoshoot next week with the same guy." She replied, finishing Taeyong's makeup.

"Speaking of the guy, I haven't seen him" Taeyong said, his eyes wandered the room to see if his 'shoot partner' is anywhere to be seen.

"He's doing his solo shoot right now" Taeyong sighed, he looked at himself in the mirror.

Losing himself in his thoughts. His stylist, Xiuying looked at him and waved her hand infront of the male's face.

"Have you spoken to your therapist this month?" The question made Taeyong snap out of his thoughts, questions about his mental health always made him quite sensitive but he knew that Xiuying cared about him.

"No, I'll go see him when Doyoung comes back from America" The male sighed yet again and Xiuying finished his makeup.

"You should get going now" Xiuying said, tidy-ing up the table as Taeyong walked to the door but stopped.

"Oh right, tell your brother I said hi" was what Taeyong said before exiting the room.

The male walked onto the set and watched as a male posed for the camera.

The male had black hair, was a bit shorter than Taeyong and more feminine looking.

Taeyong stared at the male dead-on not moving his gaze anywhere else. He wanted to know what type of person he was working with, and this was how he did it.

The male accidently made eye-contact with Taeyong who was leaning on a wall behind all the cameras.

The male gave him an awkward-shy smile but that smile vanished in seconds, his expression turning into a serious one.

Doesn't seem to be a bad person, but he could be two-faced.

Taeyong have grown to be more observant and more cold to those he don't know.

About the therapist, he is diagnosed with severe depression due to his last break-up.

It broke him a lot.

Especially when his parents despised him for being homosexual.

He only had friends and his cat.

He didn't have that much friends of course, he's distant to almost everyone.

Everyone except Doyoung.

His closest friend ever.

Doyoung who stuck with him through thick and thin.

He was the best friend anyone could ever ask for.

Doyoung knows him like the back of his hand and knows how to cheer him up.

But these past few weeks, Doyoung went to America to take care of his sick mother which resulted to Taeyong being alone in the house with Kyong.

Yes, they live together.

It was originally Doyoung's home but after the break-up, Taeyong had nowhere to go, so Doyoung brought him in.

Who could ask more from a friend like Doyoung?

He was the one who encouraged him on breaking up with his ex boyfriend because it was best for him.

He encouraged him to go see a doctor because he was worried about his mental health.

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