(13) The Prince I Am

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Ten barged in the house, startling Taeyong who was playing Animal Crossing on his nintendo.

"Can't you knock?" Taeyong spoke coldly alongside with Kyong letting out a meow. Ten flashed an apologetic smile.

"Guess who won" Ten jumped on the couch, landing right beside Taeyong.

"Where's Doyoung?" Ten asked in curiousity.

"Out to meet someone." Taeyong answered, his eyes focused on the gadget.

"Did I win?" Taeyong then asked, now looking at Ten.

He didn't notice how their faces were only inches away. Ten scooted back, as much as he liked being that close to Taeyong; it was scary.

"I.. I won" Ten stated, playing with his fingers.

"Really?" Taeyong snatched the boy's phone, opening it with Ten's face recognision. And it was true, Ten won.

"You're lucky" Ten laughed at the older's words, the saltiness was very obvious.

"Why are you laughing?" Taeyong asked, scowling at Ten.

Ten just kept on laughing, he didn't know the exact reason but he just felt like laughing. "I get to pick what you wear and I've already chosen the outfit"

Taeyong rolled his eyes. Taeyong hoped it won't be embarassing. Ten went back to his car outside and took out the outfit.

He thought that it would look stunning on Taeyong and he can't wait to see the older in it.

He tossed the clothing at Taeyong, then point his finger to the direction of Taeyong's room. "Go get changed" Ten said with a grin, receiving an eyeroll from Taeyong.

Taeyong did as said, walking into his room with the clothing Ten had just given him.

He looked at the clothing. It was a soft white in colour with gold detail. Taeyong's eyes widened when he saw the front. It was something a prince in a fantasy world would wear.

Taeyong's heart jumped with excitement. He used to love dress up like this.

He quickly stripped, throwing his pants and shirt on his bed. He put on the clothing, trying his best to make it look neat.

Ten knocked on the door. "You need help? I can help with your hair" Ten spoke and Taeyong let him in.

Ten saw Taeyong's eyes glitter in excitement, he looked so cute.

"Sit down here and I'll style your hair" Taeyong did exactly that. He sat down on the chair, sitting up straight.

Ten could hear Taeyong tapping his feet on the floor with excitement. Just like a little kid. Suddenly, Taeyong's cold image disappeared. It was now replaced with this cute, restless, young toddler like actions.

Taeyong is the cutest human being in this world. Ten admits.

Ten combed the older's hair softly, making it neat. Ten then placed a crown ontop of Taeyong's head.

After that, he neatened Taeyong's clothing. He looked at Taeyong from head to toe, suddenly in awe.

"Wow, you look really good". He looked like a prince, he looked really good, he looked lovely.

Ten was at lost for words, he just kept staring. Taeyong stood up, walking infront of the mirror, wanting to see what he looked like.

His eyes widened when he saw himself. He looked stunning. He admits to himself that he looked like a full course meal.

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